Chapter Six

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"Roy Harper. The ring has chosen you."

"What the-" Roy stared at the crimson orb floating in front of him. "What is this?" Before he could register what was happening, the orb had slipped onto his right ring finger and he screamed out in pain. After a couple of minutes, the pain stopped abruptly. He stood up from the ground and stared down at himself. He was wearing a red and black costume with the same red domino mask on. He saw a strange symbol on around the top middle part of his chest. 

And then he started feeling an immense anger bubbling up inside him, and he screamed out of rage.


Jason finished his dinner and walked into the kitchen and washed his plate up.

"Is Roy alright?" Kory asked him as he entered the room.

"Doesn't matter." Jason scoffed.

"Yes it does. He is our friend." she protested.

"He didn't see it that way." he shrugged.

"That doesn't matter. We need to help him." Kory said passionately.

"Look, he clearly just wants to be left alone." Jason snapped. "So leave him. He doesn't care about us, so why should we care for him?"

"Jason, that is-" Kory was cut off by the wall breaking through. 

Roy was floating there with a Red Lantern Ring of Rage on his finger, and he was breathing heavily as he surveyed the pair. Suddenly, he shot forward and grabbed Jason before throughing him out of the window. Out of instinct, Kory flew down and grabbed Jason before he hit the ground, but Roy flew towards them and punched her. Though it stunned her, Kory kept hold of Jason and they landed on the ground.

"What the hell happened to Roy?" he asked worriedly.

"It's a red lantern ring. He's powered by rage." Kory replied as calm as possible.

"Great, we just get it off him." Jason said.

"It's not that simple." Kory sighed. "The ring essentially takes the blood from the wearer. If you take it off, they die. Only a blue lantern of hope can remove it."

"Well we just need to find a blue lantern then." Jason responded.

"I don't know where any are, but Green Lantern will." Kory told him. "We need to go to the Hall of Justice."

"Do we have a car? My bike's disappeared." he said, dodging a blast from Roy.

"I'm not sure." Kory admitted. 

"Ugh, there's one there." Jason huffed angrily, punching through a  window of a random car and getting in it. "Luckily, the keys are still in the ignition. Idiot." He started driving away and let Kory lead him the Hall in Metropolis. 

They'd barely exited Gotham when, in the rear view mirror, Jason saw Roy gaining on them.

"Uh, Kory!" Jason exclaimed.

"On it!"she answered, blasting Roy. "I'm sorry, Roy!" 

"No you're not!" Roy shrieked at her. "You've never been sorry!" He finished as he tackled her to the ground. Jason turned around and drove towards Roy, and before he could react, hit him.

"Hurry up and get up!" Jason yelled at Kory. She got up and started flying away, and Jason followed her.


Jason pulled a hood over his head and entered the shop, collected some food and tried to pay for them. He then realised he had no money on him.

"Uh," Jason stammered.

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