Chapter One

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"Uh, hi Jason, it's Damian here. I was just calling to say that it's just me in the tower today so if you want you could come over. So, uh, yeah. See you later I guess." Jason finished the voicemail and put his phone down, groaning at his situation. He hauled himself out of bed, put on some clothes, dealt with his personal hygiene, got some water, and headed to Titans Tower on his bike. 

As he pulled up to the giant T, Jason took his helmet off and looked up at it.

"Impractical base." he murmured to himself, walking over to the door. He knocked three times before receiving an answer from Damian.

"Hi J!" his brother greeted.

"Hi Damian." Jason said, stepping in to the building.

"One thing, there is one the person here but she shouldn't be very disruptive." Damian grinned.

"Who else is here, kid? Heck, who else is on your team?" Jason asked.

"Well there's Wally, Jaimé, Garfield, Raven, Jericho, Dick, Karen and Kory." Damian listed,

"Alright, that's great." Jason sighed. "Who's here?"

"Oh, it's just Kory." Damian smiled, leading Jason to the living room where Starfire sat watching television. She turned to greet Damian warmly but her demeanour changed when she saw Jason.



"Uh, is everything alright?" Damian questioned.

"I should go." Jason scowled.

"Yes you should." Kory remarked.

"What is up with you two?" Robin said confusedly.

"Adult stuff, kid. You'll understand when you're older." Jason shrugged.

"I'm fifteen!" Damian shouted, beginning to get genuinely annoyed.

"Look Damian." Jason turned to talk to Robin firmly. "The stuff that happened between her, me, Roy and Bruce stays between her, me, Roy and Bruce."

"Wait, Roy and father are involved too?" Damian asked, piquing his interest more. 

"I'm not gonna tell you, kid." Jason chuckled, finding Damian's desperation to know amusing.

"Yeah you will! I was trained by the League of Assassins as well as Batman!" Damian huffed.

"Well guess what? So was I!" Jason laughed, driving away. Damian gave up, defeated. He walked inside and saw a now moody Kory on the sofa.

"I'm sorry I brought him here Kory." Damian sighed, sitting next to her.

"It's okay. You did not know." the tamaranean smiled.

"Can't you tell me what happened?" Damian pleaded.

"As much as I despise that man, Jason was right. What happened between us will stay between us until you are old enough." Kory responded firmly.

"You sound just like father." Damian muttered angrily under his breath. "I'll just ask father then."


"What happened between Jason, Roy, Starfire and I will stay between us until you're old enough." Batman's rough voice echoed through the Batcave.

"Ugh!" Damian groaned. "That's what Kory and Jason said!"

"And they're right." Batman said, concentrating on what he was working on.

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