Chapter Three

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"You'd be the first to tell me." Jason rolled his eyes. "Except you're the third, ha!"

"I'm being serious. Murder isn't a good way of coping." Batman scowled.

"Neither is dressing up as a giant bat and bringing twelve year olds to help you." Jason retaliated.

"Jason, please." Batman pleaded. 

"I'll look into it." Jason growled. "Now go." Batman looked Jason up and down and leapt out the window, gliding over the city.


"Roy, can you finish the story?" Damian asked after knocking on the door and recieving an answer from Roy.

"Ugh," Roy groaned. "Come in." 

Damian entered the room and walked over to the sofa, sitting down and making himself comfortable.

"Alright..." Roy began. "Where was I?"


Kory landed on top of Titans Tower and released Roy, sighing to herself.

"Sorry we dragged you into this, Kory." Roy apologised.

"It's okay. I volunteered." she smiled. The pair headed down the hatch on the top and walked down the stairs, facing an angry looking Dick.

"I told you three not to go out!" he exclaimed.

"Two now, Dick." Roy sighed.

"Where's Jason?" Dick questioned, panicking.

"We left him outside the warehouse because he killed three people indirectly." Roy explained. "We got pissed at him and he decided to be an asshole."

"Oh." Dick sighed. He turned to his girlfriend. "Kory, I trusted you!"

"When he said he was dealing drugs to children I wanted to step in." Kory looked at the ground. "Sorry."

"No don't-" Dick rubbed his eyes before putting a hand on her shoulder. "I don't want you to feel like you have to apologise. Do we know where Jasom is?"

"No. He probably went back to his flat." Roy said. 

"We went to bed and I woke up, got my breakfast and had it whilst watching TV."

Roy heard a knock on the door whilst eating his breakfast and answered it. It was Jason Todd.

"Jason." Roy greeted.

"Look, where's Kory?" Jason asked. 

"Not even a 'how are you?'?" Roy joked.

"Where is she?" Jason questioned, more seriously. 

"What's it for?" Roy inquired.

"Carmine Falcone escaped Gotham and is in the Caribbean. I need yours and her help to catch him." Jason explained. Roy exhaled and walked upstairs and quietly woke up Kory from her sleep next to Dick. She rolled her eyes at Jason's request, put her dressing gown on and headed downstairs.

"Jason, I don't want to help you." Kory said angrily. 

"I knew you were going to say that." Jason laughed. "He's selling animals on the black market."

"I'll get my suit." Kory finished quickly, speeding upstairs.

"Soon enough, we were on a flight to the Caribbean."

Jason sat down in his seat next to Kory and shoved his bag in the bag holders above them. He offered her hand to take Kory's bag and she gave it to him, before putting in the compartment. He sat down next to her and watched as she looked out the window. 

Roy was in a seperate seat and was sat next to a random family with a baby, and he was next to the window. He looked beside him and saw the family entertaining the baby with toys, remembering his kid with Cheshire. He missed her, but Cheshire had split with him and made sure he didn't get to see the kid. It was fair enough, as Roy was struggling with his addiction to drugs at the time. But even when he recovered, Cheshire still didn't let him see his child.

"Kory?" Jason asked.

"Leave me alone Jason." Kory snapped.

"Now I know something's wrong." Jason said. 

"Why do you care? I barely know you." Kory reasoned.

"Because, as your boyfriend's brother, it's my duty to make sure you're fine here." Jason told her.

"Jason, I just..." Kory tried to say, but stopped. "I miss Dick."

"Well you have me." Jason sniggered. "I can be Dick's replacement."

"You're flirting with me." Kory said bluntly.

"Yep." Jason confirmed.

"Why?" Kory asked.

"You're beautiful." Jason said honestly.

"I was ugly on Tamaran. At school I was bullied for how I looked. But on Earth everyone thinks I'm amazing." Kory explained. Jason shuffle closer.

"Well, you're amazing here, that's all that matters." Jason's smiled.

"Thank you Jason." Kory grinned back, turning to face him rather than looking out of the window.

"If I'm replacing Dick, does that mean I get to fuck you?"' Jason wondered jokingily.

"If you're good." Kory teased.

"I'll be on my best behaviour." Jason winked. Jason leaned back into his chair and sighed, looking over at Roy, who was playing with a baby from a family next to him.

"Jason?" Kory asked.

"Hmm?" Jason replied.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you for killing those men." she apologised.

"No need to say sorry." Jason shrugged.

Roy peek-a-booed the baby one more time and returned to his normal position. The baby started crying and turned to his mother, and she glared daggers at Roy. Roy rolled his eyes and looked out of the window, reminiscing about his life in the original Teen Titans. 

At the very beginning when Dick, him and Aqualad stopped the Weather Wizard. 

When Cyborg joined and brought a sense of order to the three hero group. 

When the group saved Beast Boy from the travelling zoo (that turned out to be an underground, illegal underground fighting ring) and he joined, becoming best friends with Cyborg. 

When Raven joined and Beast Boy absolutely fell for her.

When Aqualad left to defend Atlantis.

When Starfire arrived on Earth and immediately kissed Dick, producing his crush on her.

Him and Beast Boy introducing Kory to movies.

The whole drama of Dick's falling out with Kory and them eventually making up and getting together as a couple.

When Terra joined and betrayed the team.

And the last memory of his time on the team as Speedy, when Dick caught him with the needles.

He pushed the memory to the back of his mind and tried to forget. He put those days behind him; both as Speedy and when he was addicted.

Jason had gotten up and headed to the toilet, doing his business and washi his hands. As he looked in the mirror, he saw the scar going from the top left of his forehead to just above his lip. He messed up his ginger hair, preferring it messed up rather than neat. He walked out and sat back down next to Kory, seeing her smile at him as he did.

"Hello." she greeted.

"Hi." Jason responded.

"I think I'll go to sleep." Kory yawned, shutting her eyes and leaning back in her chair. Jason looked at his new friend and sighed, marvelling at her beauty.

"I am such a creep." Jason murmmered to himself. It seemed Kory fell asleep quite quickly, as her body went limp and her head landed on Jason's shoulder. He chuckled to himself, leaning his head on hers slightly.

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