"Oh, and there they are." Grace said softly.

She stared at the screen for a few seconds before pointing at it to show us where they were.

"What have you guys decided to name them?" Grace asked.

"Nicholas if it's a boy, and Harper if it's a girl." I said. (See what I did there? Okay I'll leave now.)

"Oh, there seems to be a little surprise waiting for you."

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked.

Grace smiled and turned to look at me and y/n. I squeezed her hand tighter.

"You guys are having twins."

"What!" Me and y/n screamed.

"Ah yes, and one is a boy while the other is a girl so congratulations."

Me and y/n stared at each other before smiles spread across our faces. I gave her a kiss before wrapping my arms around her back and giving her hug.

My siblings are going to freak once they find out.

2 years ago

I saw her run outside of her college as she completely threw her heels off and ran into my arms. She ran into me so hard we fell over. Y/n had gone off to college about four years ago, and unfortunately, we weren't able to see each other. Not even once. It's been four years since I've seen her in person, since I kissed her lips. I've seen her through facetime calls but it's really not the same. We almost broke up one time because y/n couldn't handle the heartbreak anymore.

She lifted herself from my chest and kissed me so hard I almost couldn't breath for a second. Her hands were pressed against my black, buttoned shirt. I missed her so much. I kissed her back and gripped the side of her head with both of my hands. I didn't want to separate from her but we were laying on the ground in the parking lot.

I stood up and grabbed her hand.

"I-I've missed you so much." I said.

She started to cry as her lips curved into a smile.

"You're voice has gotten deeper." She said.

"Oh you like it don't you?" I said through a smirk.

She giggled.

"Yes it's very sexy."

I laughed and gave her a kiss.

"And you have gotten even more beautiful since I've last seen you."

I took her hand and jumped us to my apartment.

"Do you have a place to live?"

She shook her head.

"No, I only just got out of college dummy."

"Then," I got down on my knee. "Would you mind living with me? Except not as my girlfriend but as my fiancé, and well, my wife?"

She gasped and got on her knees to hug me. We just sat there in the floor hugging each other.

"I don't have a ring yet, but I promise to get you one."

"I don't care when you get it." Her tears were soaking my shirt at this point.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

4 years ago

I heard a small click and turned to see y/n had taken a picture of me, I smiled and she clicked the camera again. She took it out of the polaroid camera and showed it to me.

"You're so handsome." She said as she brought the photo to her face to look at.

"Maybe you can get it smaller or something and put it in that necklace of yours." I said after I leaned forward.

She kissed me and leaned back against the couch.

"Yeah but I like this one." She said. "Hold on." She got up and walked backward to take another picture. She snapped it again and took it out of the camera. She ran upstairs and after a few minutes she came back.

"What did you do?" I asked as I put my arm over her shoulder.

"I took a picture of you where your head was smaller, then I cut it out and glued it into my necklace."

"Oh are you sure you wanted to do that to your necklace?"

"I'm sure." She turned her head and gave me a quick kiss. "That way I'll remember you when I go off to..." She paused. "College."

"Don't be sad, I'll visit you every time I can. I do have teleportation powers after all."

She took the picture she had taken earlier, the one that wasn't cut up, and stuck it in the back pocket of her jeans.

"I'm going to miss you." She said as she hugged me.

"As will I." I said as I kissed her again.

*2 weeks later*

We were standing in the street waiting for her bus to arrive to take her off to college. She was crying. I could tell she didn't want to go.

"Don't back down. Don't let me hold you back from doing what you want to do."

"B-but you're n-not holding me back."

"I can see you want to stay. Leave, it'll be okay. I swear it will get easier, remember that."

She hugged me even tighter and lifted her head from my chest. She slowly leaned into me and kissed me very softly. She moved into it more and started to kiss me a bit harder. I heard the bus arrive, and before I could get a good grasp on her, she left my arms to step on the bus.

I stood there as the bus started to slowly drive away. The lamppost over my head began to flicker only slightly before stopping. My phone started to ring and I took it out to see y/n was calling, and obviously, I answered it.

"I'm sorry, I knew if I looked back at you, I wouldn't leave."

"It's okay." I said through the phone.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Of course, love."

"Wait for me to come home." She whispered.


She hung up. I touched my lips from the kiss she gave me. I know I'll always remember that kiss.

4 years ago

Allison had yelled at me for getting in another fight at school. My loving siblings had enrolled me into a school near by, and I absolutely hated it. All the girls drooled over me and all the guys hated me for it. I never asked for this.

I stormed out of the academy and started walking along the sidewalk. I had grown to big for my uniforms and Klaus and Allison took me out to get some clothes. So at the moment, I was wearing some black sweatpants and a blue hoodie which was over a random grey shirt I pulled from my closet. It was quite cold outside so I think this was good choice. While deep in thought, I had accidently run into someone.

A girl. Oh boy. But when I really got a good look at her, I noticed she was quite beautiful. I also noticed her e/c eyes were a bit red and puffy. She wasn't wearing any appropriate clothes for how cold it was.

"Sorry." She muttered and gave me a soft, sweet smile.

"I-its okay. Aren't you cold? Here take my hoodie." I took my hoodie off and handed it to her.

"Oh, um, thanks but you-"

"Just take the damn hoodie."

She took it and put it on. It was a little big on her so she looked kind of adorable.

"My name's Five. You?"

"Y/n. Y/n L/n."

She gave me a smile and my heart fluttered.

I don't know what it was, but I got a feeling me and her were going to be great friends.

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