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The sky blue curtain of my hospital window swayed in the wind, the gentle cool breeze entered my room along with some fallen leaves from the neighboring big tree beside the hospital and beside my window, until I heard a cry yelling along with my room door slamming open


my twin sister mikan barged inside my hospital room with tears in her eyes, I asked her what's wrong

"Hotaru left!!" She cried out loud, I gestured for her to come closer, climbing on my bed, embracing her while rubbing her back with my gloved hands, her face on my right shoulder and nuzzling in my hair

"Hotaru-chan? Why would she leave you?" I asked in a soft voice, she cried even more, I met hotaru-chan when I was visiting Mika-chan and ji-san back then, she and mika often visit me here when they pass by the hospital after school,

I knew very well that the three of us have alice, Using my detector alice, I saw the beautiful floating flame inside someone with colors in it, Mikan have a beautiful orange flame that is burning with life and happiness, While hotaru-chan's flame is a beautiful and calm light purple flame burning with calmness and brilliance,

"Some strange men from this alice academy or something came and took her away, if she won't come with them then that school will be shut down!" She said, I felt my white polo getting wet due to her tears, Ji-san entered with his hands behind him and a frown on his face

"Ji-san?" I called out to him, he closed his eyes and shook his head indicating that he can't do anything for mika-chan,

My poor little imouto-chan..

I hope she won't do anything rash and irrational this time...

I hope..


Later that night

Night befall on the city, the nurse went by and gave me my three pills that I need to take twice a day--morning and night, it's a painstaking effort but I always force my self to gulp in down..

Midnight had arrived, the moon shining on my sleeping face, deep in my slumber as I laid on my white sheeted bed, until I heard the door sliding open,

That's weird I don't remember the nurse visiting me this time of night, I immediately knew that it's not a nurse, it's someone else with an either good or bad intention,

Feeling a shadow over me, The
Silhouette walked to my bed side table, Using my nature pheromone alice, the rose in the purple vase on my bed side table extended their stems and gripped into the person's hands and binded him/her up,

I felt the person struggling but my plant friends have never failed me before, Feeling the person all binded up and now falling to the floor with vines and extended stems from the four roses in the vase, I slowly sat up, flipping the light switch beside and saw someone dressed in a comfortable cloth and her bag behind her..

"Mika-chan?" I gasp softly, My dear sister binded up with my plants and squirming like a worm with tears in her eyes..

I controlled the plants to retract their action, the vines and stems letting lose and coming back to the rose..

"*Pant! *Pant!, Mou nee-chan! Why did you do that for?!" My twin said fuming in anger with small tears in the corner of her eyes..

"gomen, gomen, I thought you were someone else" I said and sweatdropped, My hands half lifted to gesture a surrender action, her outfit caught my eyes, I looked at her from head to toe them remembering that she put something on my bedside table earlier, I turned and saw a letter with an

To: nee-chan
From: mikan

I grabbed it, opening it slowly, taking out the letter fr the envelope and opening it, mikan following my every movements with her eyes

Dear: nee-chan

I want to see hotaru again and ask her
Why she left me just like that and didn't
even said goodbye, I miss her very much
so I decided to follow her to alice
academy to see her again, I'm sorry for
leaving you and ji-san but I promise to
write letters to you and visit sometimes

Sincerely yours;
Mikan sakura--your cute Imouto-chan

"Your running away from home?" I asked after reading the letter, mika-chan stiffed up and sweats forming on her forehead, Iet down the letter and looked at her, she however looked away not wanting to see me at all

"Mikan, please explain what you are doing?" I asked again softly, She stiffed up more before sighing out heavily and fiddled with her fingers, looking quite guilty about her recent action

"Gomeni nee-chan, but I hotaru never sent me some letter so I want to go to this alice academy and ask her why, I know I'm being selfish but....I really miss hotaru" she said, saying the last part in a whisper but it was enough for me to hear..

A souka(I see), I stared at her, tears still in her eyes, fiddling with her fingers waiting for my response,

I smiled softly, removing the white thin blanket over my legs and climbing down from the bed, she looked at me curiously

"Wakatayo(I understand) mika-chan" I said, she beamed in joy and ran to me

"arigato nee-chan, I promise to write to you and visit with hotaru some times" she said, I shook my head, confuse in my action she titled her head a little at the side

"Nee-chan?" She asked, I closed-eye smiled at her and put my hands on her shoulders

"Wakatayo mika-chan, that is why I am coming with you" I said, suprise was written on her face

"ehhh?!" She yelled in a whisper, careful not to wake anybody up, I walked to my closet and pulled out a red long sleeved dress that is long enough to cover my knees and a brow long scarf..

Walking to the bathroom and changing into it, I stepped out after that but mika-chan still looked suprise

"Ma--matteyo! Nee-chan, your coming with me? But what will happen to you? Your health is frail, aren't you?" She asked, I grabbed my backpack, My three bottle of different medical pills that I need to take everyday twice a day, some pair of clothes, Grabbing a rose from the vase..

"It's fine mika-chan, as long as I take my medicine I'll be alraight, now let's go" I said, gathering my hair in a bun and pinning the rose in it, the rose steams extended itself once more and held my hair in a bun, who needs a ribbon or a rubber hair band if you have an alice like this..

The stem wrapped itself around my bun as it looked like a green scrunchy, I wrapped the scarf around my neck, Putting on a white long sock and a my white sneakers, grabbing my bag and mikan's hand

"Let's go" I said

The red rose of his heartWhere stories live. Discover now