Chapter 10

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(Unknown Location)

In another part of Undertown, where an intersection was located, a group of humanoid robots with skull-like designs, red robotic heads and robotic limbs that help a group of different-looking thugs.

A Stitched up humanoid looked to the darkness as a mysterious figure making his presence known to them. "So...the machines are ready, yes" he asked, his red eyes piercing the darkness as he walks over.

"Yeah boss...but why are we putting the Shakedown machines all over town? Only the alien shops can pay us in Taytanite." The creature inquired from a head in his torso as the figure smacked the upper head, making it moan a bit in fear.

"It's not about money, you fool...our master wishes for us to inspire FEAR into these pathetic earthlings." the figure with a dark glare explained. "Soon all of these earthlings and these pathetic refugees will fear the name-"

"BEN 10!" Bubble Helmet yelled out as all of the thugs and robots looked up to see Bubble Helmet coming in with Terraspin and Rook in hot pursuit. Rook jumped and rammed on Bubble Helmet, making him crash down in front of them.

"We had a deal!" Rook gritted his teeth while glaring angrily at the alien criminal who is laying below him.

"Rook, watch out!" Terraspin warned. Rook looked up and seeing the transformed teen suddenly turned back into his human form, before crashed roughly beside him, signaling Ben's watch timed out for now.

"Well, well...if it isn't the infamous Ben Tennyson...along with someone new...interesting." a figure walked into the light, making Ben wide eyed while Rook looked rather curious.

"Psyphon!?" The ultimatrix bearer exclaimed in shock, before abruptly standing and quickly dusted his jacket. The figure is revealed to be a humanoid being with pitch-white skin, red eyes with black covering, sharp teeth, a horn-like spike on the top of his head and wearing a cybernetic cloak.

"It seems my investigation gave us your 'big bad', yes?" Rook turned expectantly at Ben as the young Tennyson gave him a flat look.

"No one likes a bragger, Rook." Ben muttered, while giving his partner a 'seriously?' look before looking up at Psyphon.

"So let me guess, Vilgax is behind these shake down machines, right?" Ben guessed, before frowning as Psyphon just chuckled gleefully at his question.

Ben then continuing, "What happened? After getting godhood taken from him, he decided to go for petty thefts and intimidating innocent people?"

"Never underestimate my master," Psyphon finally losing his composure upon hearing Ben mockery towards his master, and fixing to glaring down at a nervous looking Bubble Helmet. "you lead Ben Tennyson here...I don't know whether to thank you...or kill you."

"Uh...thank me-GAAAAAH!" Bubble Helmet yelled in pain as he felt a red blast of energy surge through him while the others looked at him in shock. Psyphon finally stopped, making Bubble helmet groaned before passed out but alive as Psyphon's eyes glowed faintly with dark smirk formed on his face.

"Thank you." Psyphon mockingly thanking the downed alien before turned his attention towards the brunet and his partner. "I'm assuming you wondered what happened to me since we had last met, yes?"

"Not really." Ben shrugged nonchalantly.

"Then I guess you wouldn't know how much joy this next phrase will give me...GET THEM!" He commanded the thugs as all of them fired their weapon at Ben and Rook.

The duo jumped away to the side, while narrowingly avoiding the crossfire. Rook dodged blasts after blasts as he finally saw an opening and kicked a humanoid warthog-like creature in the face and getting his Proto-Tool out into weapon form while Ben hid behind one of the bombs and pulling out his jacket sleeves revealing the Ultimatrix before twisted the Ultimatrix faceplate and suddenly it popped up. Looking at the now protruding faceplate, Ben turned the faceplate a few couple times while deciding which alien that he wants to pick right now.

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