Chapter 8

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The Ultimatrix bearer quickly twisted the watch faceplate, making the faceplate instantly popped up. Ben twisted the faceplate a couple time, before stopped at a dinosaur looking figure.

"Alright gecko-boy lets see how you like to meet with Humongousaur!" He smirked triumphantly, before slammed the faceplate down as he charges at his enemy, only to get swatted in his transformed form.

"Ugh..." The shape shifting hero groaned in pain, before looked at the mirror from where he crashed to see that, instead of Humongousaur, he changed into a red, mollusk-like alien, with four splitted green eyes, and also has two pair of eyes on his chest. He now have crab-like features on his stomach which appear to be crab legs forming a rib cage, with port holes on his four fingered hands. hoods now covered his head, with a retractable visor. Completed with small grey spikes and black spots on the back of his legs and shoulders. The Ultimatrix symbol attached on his chest.

"Water Hazard? Man, why is it so hard to get Humongousaur?" The now known as Water Hazard grumbled before standing from his position and facing the monstrous creature. Rook was about to pulled out his Proto-Tool, but quickly being stopped by water Hazard.

"I got this!" Water Hazard jumped at the monster, and proceed to slashing it's face with his clawed hands before firing out pressurized water at it, which the creature dodged and swung it's tail at him, successfully sending the molluscs alien flying.

"I got this!" water Hazard jumped again at the creature to keep it from moving, but it easily pinned him down. The Transformed Hero kept the monster's mouth from getting too close to his face, before looked at his partner.

"What are you waiting for!?" Water Hazard asked annoyingly.

"I did not wish to interfere." Rook stated with a calm tone.

"This isn't the time to joking around, Rook! Give me a hand! Please!" Water Hazard begged desperately.

Rook smirked, before finally pulled out his proto-tool, and fired some energy blasts to get the creature away from Water Hazard. Rook then proceed to fired a cable to keep the creature mouth from opening.

"Nice shot, Rook." Water Hazard remarked, before standing up and facing his opponent once again.

The monster roared out, before breaking the cable with low difficulties. "Aww man..."

The monstrous creature roars out before quickly charged at Rook. The creature instantly jumping at Rook as it tried to bite down on his Proto-Tool.

"Hold still!" Water Hazard grabbed the creature tail, before pry it off of his partner, making it furiously roared out. Unknown to them, Khyber patiently watched from afar.

"Two vs. one...clearly unsporting..." Khyber stated solemnly as he whistled, making the creature look up curiously before releasing a thick, yellow mist, obscuring it's figure from anyone nearby.

"Got him!" Water Hazard went to grab the creature. only to realize, after the fog had lifted, he only grabbed empty air instead.

" got away. At least we know who the bad guy is, Clearly someone who ever sent that...Buglizard on us." Water Hazard sarcastically stated before turned back into his human form.

"hmm...I think I know where to go. My investigation got us a lead." Rook informed as he motioned The Ultimatrix Bearer to come along with him. Ben who doesn't know where to go, can only obediently followed his new partner, heading for the less savory part of town.

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