Chapter 11 what happens next?

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Me and the guys are at the desserts table eating a bunch of wonderful pastries and chocolate goodies.

Theodore shoves a dessert straight into his mouth without chewing and just swallowing it whole "has anyone tried the chocolate meatballs". Simon walks over towards Theodore "I will probably go in an insulin shock but it's worth it". I walk over towards the two and break off a small piece of a chocolate meatball not wanting to eat too much of it incase I don't like it and eat it. "Oh wow this tastes great" I say with a huge grin on my face, Simon smiles at my expression and grabs some for himself to eat.  Alvin climbs up onto a tall tray covered in fruit and says "oh a sweet ,sweet, sweet molasses meat". I then see Ian walk over and lightly spins the tray Alvin is on then stops as he talks to Alvin "hey Alvster love the song bro hehe up top". Alvin and Ian then high five while Alvin says what's up player. Alvin walks a little on the tray then stands up straighter looking at Ian. "So I see you are enjoying the little spread I put out for you guys what am I talking about? you guys probably eat like this all the time huh". Alvin leans forward a little as he says "well Dave say's he doesn't want to spoil us". Ian smiles with a hint of exasperation in his features as he says "dude your a Rockstar you are supposed to be spoilt I mean you should be riding in limousines and private planes and you should be going to parties like this every night". Alvin brightens up a little bit as he says "really because Dave says we need our sleep"  Ian then gains a look of frustration on his face at what Alvin said. "Look Alvin this is hard to say but I mean I gotta be upfront about it Dave's holding you back, you know I could be making you 20 large a day". Alvin puts his hand to his chin as he thinks as asks Ian if that's a lot and Ian replies with a yes.

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