Chapter 6

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It's the next day now where we start working on singing songs for Dave during that night we were sleeping Dave put together that Christmas box from the movie.

Me and the guys decide to make some toaster waffles but then realize we aren't strong enough to get them out of the toaster. They start to burn and then the smoke alarm goes off I go to look into the toaster then I say "well there's trouble FIRE IN THE HOLE" I then take refuge with the guys behind a rolling pin. Dave then walks into the room and turns off the TV and asks us what we are doing while fanning the smoke away from him. Alvin replies "oh nothing what are you doing" Simone turns around to look at Dave while waving his paw "stay back Dave it's going to blow" then jumps back into cover. The toaster waffles which are now black and crispy fly through the air Simone tells us that he will catch them but but didn't see them land in front of him due to his bad eye sight. "Hey where did it go" Simone asks as he turns his head side to side surveying the room. Dave frowns at what he said and walks over he lightly grabs the toaster waffle in front of Simone and lets it go again just as fast. "Simone this landed right in front of you you didn't see it" ? Simone hums in confusion while thinking Dave then get an idea "how many fingers am I holding up" he asks Simone as he holds up two fingers. "Um four no no no no no eight counting your thumb wait wait wait wait" Simone says thinking. "Hold on a sec" Dave says as he starts walking over to his Santa doll. Simone then speaks up before he reaches it "six my final answer is six" Dave the grabs the glasses off of his Santa doll and places them on Simone's face. "Try's that"? Dave asks Simone's eyes adjust to the glasses as he looks around "wow someone trashed your house" Dave turns to face the rest of us and say's "well it was clean when I went to bed last night". Theodore then speaks "well uh we colored for a while hehehehe but then we got hungry want to see what we colored"? (Thank goodness I stopped them from coloring on Dave's work charts) I think to my self as I grimace at what could of happened. Dave smiles suddenly as he says "actually I want to play you something I wrote a song for you four to sing so lets-". Dave's foot steps on the part of the rug that had toaster waffles covered in syrup under it which makes a disgusting squish sound. Once Dave hears the squish he bends down a pulls back the rug to see four toaster waffles under the rug. That the brothers had put under there to eat during winter I laugh at the unimpressed look that is on Dave's face as he picks up the waffles. Which he drops in disgust afterwards "we put a few toaster waffles aside for the winter" Simone says nervously then Alvin shoves past him and shouts "AND WE ARE NOT SHARING" !!! Dave sighs as he shakes his head in frustration and says "you four are gonna have food all winter so if you start storing it and it's going to get gross we are going to have rode-bad you know non talking rodents around here lets go lets get to work". Dave then walks off while we follow him into the room he makes songs in. Me and the guys jump up onto the Bongos and get ready to sing the song Dave prepared for us. "All right Chipmunks are you ready to sing your song" Dave asks us which Simone replies saying he thinks that we are. "Yeah lets sing it now" Theodore says with enthusiasm as I hum in agreement with him nodding my head. "Ready Simone"? Dave asks "ok" he replies "ready Theodore"?  Theodore smiles while saying "ok"  I swish my tail back and forth in excitement waiting in anticipation for the song to start. "Ready Nova"? I grin with a beaming smile "ok"  Dave smiles glad he has only one more name to call out before the song can get started. "Alvin....Alvin" Dave say's as he turns around a little with a frown on his face. "woo this kids sized hamster wheel is fast" Alvin says a little short with breath. Dave's eyes widen in slight anger and yells out "ALVIN" !!! because the the tape recorder was spinning so fast Alvin tripped and fell of it falling onto a drum that is placed next to his brothers. "ok" Alvin says as he begins to taps his hind paws onto the drum while dancing a little to the music.

Then we all sing:

>Christmas Christmas time is near time for toys and time for cheer we've been good but we cant     last 

>hurry Christmas hurry fast want a plane that loops the loop me I want a hula hoop

>we can hardly stand the wait please Christmas don't be late!!!

Ok here is another chapter for a dear reader who asked for two new chapters in one day phew it was tiring but I did it I hope you like this chapter. And remember dear readers when life gives you lemons squeeze them back into life's eyes haha!!!

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