Chapter 8 dinner with Claire

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Dave has arrived home with the groceries, cooked dinner and is waiting for Claire Wilson to arrive. 

"Those bread sticks smell great" Alvin says as he, the others and me hop from the counter onto the dining table. "So when's dinner" Theodore asks Dave "um guys I don't know how to tell you this but it's just going to be Claire and me tonight". Watching this scene of the movie in my dimension I didn't even think how the guys felt when Dave told them that they couldn't attend dinner. But now I know what it's like since I am a Chipmunk as well and I think it's unfair that we can't attend so I speak up for the guys. "What but Dave that's not fair why can't we attend dinner"? Dave sigh's and says "you know how when we first met I was freaked out because you four can talk" ? Me and the guys nod our heads in agreement remembering that time "well Claire will freak out just as bad and probably leave before I can even explain to her about you guys". I sigh sadly knowing that Dave is right and leave the room to wait for dinner to be over. 

-Time skip (because Alvin is the love doctor)

Me and the guys are in a room away from the dining room together bored out of our minds wondering what to do. Alvin peers out of the doorway to see what's going on in the dining room and me and his brothers join him there. "How do you think it's going" Theodore asks Alvin then answers Theodore's question "terrible their not even sniffing each other" he then leaps through the doorway. Simone moves closer to where Alvin is and say's "Alvin Dave said that-"  Alvin interrupts Simone "Dave needs a little help from the love doctor". Theodore walks through the doorway and moves into the hallway "and his assistant" I grab Theodore around the waist and Simone grabs him by the tail. "Theodore your just going to make things harder on Dave just stay in the room with us and we can only hope Alvin doesn't mess things up". Simone nods agreeing with me and closes the door I sit next to Theodore making sure he doesn't try to go help Alvin. Five minutes later Dave comes storming into the room "Hey look I know what you guys are up to Alvin-" Theodore smiles at Dave and says "breath check".  Because Dave didn't expect Theodore to spray him with the mint spray it got into his eyes as he was saying "where's Alvin--oww ugh ahh". Claire shouts out asking if Dave is alright and Dave says everything is fine while hissing in pain his eyes all red and irritated and slightly crying. Dave squats down to Theodore "why did you do that" ? Theodore looks sheepish while saying "I was just trying to help you Dave you had garlic breath". Dave snatches the mint spray from Theodore and places it onto the table "well stop helping your ruining everything". I frown while walking up to him "sorry Dave the guys just wanted to help"  I then hand Dave a tissue to help get the stuff out of his eye.  Dave smiles at my apology and nods his head to me as he takes the tissue then stumbles out of the room to Claire. 

-Another time skip (just because)

Dave decided to lay down in his bed because he is depressed how Claire didn't believe him when he told her that his life is improving due to talking Chipmunks. Me and the guys are trying to cheer him up "you should of kissed her Dave she wanted you" Alvin said energetically "Alvin your not helping" Simone said "aw don't give up Dave" Alvin said still trying to cheer Dave up. "Go away and leave me alone" Dave said just wanting us to leave him alone at the moment so he can sulk. "Dave would you like a cookie" Theodore asks in concern "I said leave me alone" Dave said yelling a bit louder trying to get his point across. The guys leave Dave alone and go to the loungeroom to watch TV while I stay to talk to Dave. "Hey Dave I just want to let you know we are here for you if you ever need to talk" I say in a sad voice. After making that little comment to Dave I walk off to go watch TV with the others.

And another chapter done I am so happy with how this story is turning out so far and I am a little disappointed since only one person is reading this but I'm sure in a month or so word of my story will spread and more people will start reading it. Also if anyone here likes the lion king I have finished a lion king book and started on the sequel please feel free to go read it while I am working on more chapters for this book.

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