Chapter 4 making music

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Me and the Chipmunks were just thrown out of Dave's house due to him thinking we are evil because we can talk.

Alvin jumped up against the door while saying "don't do this Dave we can gnaw right through this door". Alvin then jumped off the door and me and his brothers followed him to the windows where we saw Dave organizing stuff. Theodore waves when Dave spots us and say's hi to which Dave shakes his head no and puts the blinds down on the windows so we cant see him anymore. The sky rumbles with thunder as we try to think of a way for Dave to let us in his house then I think of an idea "hey guys I see music equipment out here maybe if we sing he will let us inside" I say to the brothers. Simone turns his head to the garden area to indeed see music equipment there and smiles at the idea that I came up with. "That's not a bad Idea but which song should we sing" Simone asks us Alvin then puts his arm around Simons shoulders and says "just follow my lead". We all nod at that and copy what Alvin is singing in a soft tune which Dave takes an interest in and comes to the window and opens it. We all stop singing when Dave is in front of us "oh were we disturbing you" Alvin asks. Dave blinks in shock and asks "you guys can sing to" I shake my head no at Dave and say "oh that's not singing this is singing" I jump in front of the chipmunks as we all line up and I am the lead voice of singing the song. And we start dancing as we sing the song Funky Town as Dave watches on smiling and bobbing his head to the beat a little. We finish Singing and dancing ending in a pose while looking at Dave "this is amazing" Dave say's as he looks at the pouring rain that we are standing out in. "Here why don't you guys come inside" he says as he gestures with his hand we hop one by one onto the trash can then onto a table inside. But Simone slips leaving Dave to catch him and helps him up onto the trash can. To which Simone says thank you with a little chuckle and jumps up onto the table joining us. Dave looks out the window one more time before looking back at us saying "alright here's the deal you guys sing my songs you get to sleep here". Alvin thinks about it before saying no then asks Dave if breakfast is also included in the deal. Dave says he can live with that then Simone asks about TV privilege's to which Dave says ok but not after 7 then Theodore says 8 which Dave says yes to. I then walk closer to Dave and ask "what about usage of bathroom products and brushes after all hygiene is important". Dave then replies "sure just don't waste anything and to ask me for help when it comes to water facets" I nod my head acknowledging what Dave said then me and the guys high five and start dancing in happiness. Dave then says to us "just don't go telling all your animal friends about this because I don't want to come home and find a bunch of rabbits and skunks on my couch". Simone then speaks up "filthy creatures Dave we never associate with them" Alvin nods at what Simone said and Theodore then comments that Dave is our only friend. Dave shakes his head no and says "no no no no let's not get ahead of our selves here lets just start with me being your song writer". We all nod our head at this but then I realize something so I go up to Dave and ask "umm sir quick question but uh have you ever written a song before". Dave nods his head yes and reply's "yep" I then point to the window "then is that your music stuff outside" I ask Dave then nods his head saying yep again. He then realizes what I said his eyes widen in horror as his head quickly whips around and looks out the window "oh no". He then quickly rushes outside while Simon says to him to hurry back.

Finally I did another chapter sorry I took so long guys but I had to finish an assignment for my Fashion teacher at school. And since I'm at the end of year 11 currently doing grade 12 work I can't afford to fail at anything otherwise I might not get enough points for this year to help me get my certificate next year. So yeah again I'm sorry and this chapter is a little rushed since my computer is about to go flat so please don't feel ill of me. And I hope you readers like my story so far If you have any suggestions for it please comment down below.

A Wish (Alvin and the Chipmunks x OC reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt