Chapter 7 meeting uncle Ian

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This chapter starts with us Chipmunks in the Christmas box that Dave made and Dave taking us to Jet Records to sing for Ian.

Dave had a smile on his face as he walks with excitement he walks up to the receptionist in the lobby and tells them to let Ian know he wont leave until he sees him. Two minutes go past and Dave sees Ian walking towards him to which he sends him a beaming grin of excitement. "Dave" Ian says once seeing him while sporting a fake smile on his face at having to deal with Dave. "Ian" Dave says back in greeting while getting up in a hurry walking over to the receptionist desk and placing the box down. "I got something for you it's your next big thing" he says to Ian with vigor and certainty while smiling in giddiness. "Dave" Ian says with slight doubt as he shakes his head Dave puts his hand up and says "don't say anything". Dave then presses the button that is on top of the box and opens it to show the Chipmunks and me in it. "What" Ian says in confusion when he sees us "Dave don't do this to yourself" he says with disappointment. "They sing" Dave says gesturing to us the boys were to scared to sing and were huddling together but I decided to gather up my courage to sing. So I step in front of them and start to sing hoping the guys will join in when they are no longer scared. 

Christmas, Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer
We've been good, but we can't last
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast

Ian gains a look of shock on his face as he listens to me sing not daring to interrupt me and the guys finally join me in my singing for the rest of the song.

Want a plane that loops the loop
Me, I want a hula hoop
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.

Dave smiles widely glad that his plan worked and thinks of what rewards he should give to the Chipmunks for doing such a great job.

 Want a plane that loops the loop

I still want a hula hoop
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.

We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.

"Well hello there my future stars what are your names" Ian asks us Alvin walks up next to me to be closer to Ian and introduces himself first. "I'm Alvin the awesomest one"  to which he gets a nod from Ian I step forward then wanting to introduce myself next. "My name is Nova the only female talking Chipmunk that I know of". Theodore then pushes his way to the front in excitement and says "my names Theodore" Ian nods his head again and then finally Simone introduces himself. "My name is Simone and just to be clear Alvin and Theodore are my brothers and Nova is our friend". I nod in agreement and Ian says ok to what Simone said and turns to Dave to talk to him. "This is going to be my next big thing I'm proud of you Dave oh and by the way you have one week to write me a new song".  Dave's eyes widen in shock and disbelief as he watches Ian walk off. He then shakes his head to clear his mind and turns to the Chipmunks "well time to go home now" he says as he grabs the box that we are standing on. 

-Time skip

I never realized until now how much of a mess the guys make when it comes to food currently right now Theodore is trying to vacuum up some crumbs on the floor. But accidentally vacuumed up Alvin as well "hahahaha Alvin why did you even go that close to the vacuum cleaner when it was turned on" I asked. "I was trying to make sure Theodore didn't vacuum himself up"  I laughed harder hearing that and Simon chuckled a bit at my giggling state and Alvin's words. "Don't worry Alvin I will call Dave and tell him what is going on" Simone said then proceeded to grab the phone. I jump off the counter and walk closer to Theodore ready to grab him when he gets sucked in too. (I just hope I don't get sucked in with Theodore that would be bad). I then hear Simon talking to Dave on the phone "a little situation Dave Theodore vacuumed up Alvin" Theodore gets closer to the suction part of the vacuum and calls Alvin's name "Dave help" Alvin say's with distress not wanting to be stuck in there any longer. "Well at least it wasn't the garbage disposal hehehe" Simone say's to Dave nervously. I grab Theodore as he starts to get sucked in all of his body is in the tube of the vacuum cleaner except for his feet. But the pull of the vacuum cleaner is too strong and I get sucked in as well with Theodore. "ahhhhh" me and Theodore scream as we are sucked in Theodore lands on top of Alvin knocking him over and I fall onto both of them. "And there goes Nova and Theodore"  I get off of the two brothers and frown at the fact all three of us got sucked into the vacuum cleaner. I then here Simone say "I absolutely understand but uh sorry Dave uh quick question how do you feel about an indoor pool". I laugh in my head internally when I here what Simone said remembering how funny this scene was to me when I watched this movie. 

-Another time skip (just because I can)

I here the door open and shut so I turn towards it and see Dave "oh hi Dave" I say waving to him he gives me a smile before he goes over to the guys and asks them to clean up there mess. Since you always clean up after yourself. Dave then sees his clothes on the floor in the kitchen "why are my clothes all over the place" Simone stands up and says "oh we used them to mop up the water good idea right". Dave's eyes widen in horror "oh my god Theodore did you just" Theodore doesn't know what to say as he back away slowly. Simone picks up the poo that Theodore just did "it's a raisin Dave" Dave puts his hands on his hips and says sternly "prove it"  I try to hold in my laughter as I know it's a poo and Simon has to put it in his mouth to convince Dave. Simone quickly puts the poo in his mouth and hums in fake delight "ok you got me now I want to talk to all of you where's Alvin". Dave walks off to look for Alvin and Simone spits out the poo as fast as he can and pushes his glasses up angrily while saying to Theodore that he owes him. Dave then gathers us all together to talk about the new song we got to sing "hey uh Dave I think you got a new message on your answering machine" I say to Dave as I just now remember about it being mentioned in this scene of the movie. "Oh I better check that now then" Dave says as he clicks the button on it. "Hi Dave it's Claire Wilson calling and oh why did I just say my last name that was weird um I guess I'm just a little nervous about coming over for dinner". Dave's eyes widen in horror realizing he forgot all about dinner with Claire he turns around to look at his opened cabinets that have no food in them and realizes that he needs to go buy some more. "So yeah I'm gonna hang up now I'm gonna be there at 7 ok bye".

And here is another chapter for this story I wrote an extra long one to make it up to you guys for not updating for two days so this is my way of saying sorry. If you have any question please comment down below.

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