Part 3

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Walking down the hall was nerve wracking at first as several students turned to look at me since my wings were no longer hidden from the world like they had been for the past number of months. It would take some time for people to get used to seeing me with my wings in plain sight and not hidden beneath my clothes.

Once outside the dorm building the number of people staring at me increased until I fanned my wings out all the way and took to the air as everyone in the area stared in surprise at having seen me not only with wings but now flying. There was no way to go back now that so many had seen me fly off without even attempting to hide my wings.

Within a few minutes the medical supply store came into sight below me. After circling while descending there was enough speed shed to safely land without worrying about crashing. The next trick was to land without hitting anyone below with my wings before they could be folded up along my back after landing. Fortunately for me people cleared out of the way when they saw me coming down fast only to flare my wings out and flap them to cut the last of my speed at the last moment.

Once on the ground they folded more naturally along my back but were still very visible to everyone walking nearby. There was no mistaking me for anything other than an avian. It was a relief to walk inside the store where no one but the staff were there to stare at my wings. The lady that usually took care of me saw me and smiled.

"About time you stopped hiding those lovely wings of yours dear. You should never be ashamed of who you are and if others can not accept that then too damned bad for those idiots. Now what can we do for you today?" "I just need to pickup another couple packs of depends. I'm out and need more." The lady smiled then showed me to the shelves where they had all the adult diapers. "Why not try something better dear? Depends work but they have lousy tapes on them."

The tapes had been a bit of a hassle with coming loose but that there were other brands of adult diapers out there was a mild surprise to me. "We have a wide selection of different brands to choose from. Some of them are not as good as depends and some are far superior to depends.. Let me show you the samples we have." After a good 30 minutes of being shown the samples and having the differences explained to me I finally went with a different brand that were thicker and had much better tapes and absorbency so they would enable me to go longer between changes.

With my decision made she rang up the order then put them in a plain brown plastic bag for me. No one would be able to see what was in the sack and thus it would give mes ome relief from the staring eyes of everyone around me. It was going to take some getting used to not hiding my wings anymore. As I walked out of the store the same worries continued to plague me.

Would they hate me because of my wings? Would it be safer to leave and never come back? Were they going to expel me from the schools for keeping the wings a secret. It made me feel ashamed and afraid to let anyone see them. It was difficult for me to not keep going and to just wait until nightfall before landing at the dorm. A part of me wanted to just get my things and leave now before they decided to try to kill me again like the last time.

The world hates me and wants me dead it seems at times. I could not help but wonder if anything was ever going to change or if they were going to go on wanting to kill me because of my wings. It was a great relief to finally land and then make my way back to inside my dorm room where no one would stare at me.

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