We all walked together until we all broke off eventually. After awhile, it was just me and Katsuki. We held hands as we walked back to his home, but he spoke soon after Mina left "*inaudible mumbling" "Huh? What was that Katsuki? I couldn't hear you." "I said sorry okay?! Jeez you need hearing aids or something?" Hes apologizing? For wha- Oh- For earlier- "It's okay Katsuki! Totally worth it to see you flustered~" His face went red as he started screaming, I started laughing and he stopped. "It's Sunday right? Why don't we just hang out at your house before we have to put up with school again." He just nodded and we walked in comfortable silence.

When we arrived back at his house Mitsuki poked her head around the corner and spoke, "Please tell me you used protection. I don't wanna be a grandma just yet." "M-MITSUKI! WE WERE WITH THE SQUAD!" My face was a deep crimson and she was laughing her ass off. "Hahaha! I'm just messing with you! What do you guys want for lunch?" "R-Ramen please." She nodded and walked off to the kitchen. I went up to my room and changed into some more comfortable clothes as Katsuki went to do the same. When I was done I went into his room so we could maybe cuddle more. As I walk in I see him shirtless and looking at me. I shut the door and quickly yell "SORRY SHOULD'VE KNOCKED!" I ran to my room, grabbed a blanket, and rushed downstairs to retreat to a blanket cocoon on the couch.

Soon after I felt my cocoon being picked up and moved, so naturally I freak out, and stick my leg out to kick whoever picked me up. "AGH! HYDRATION WHAT THE FUCK!" ...shit- "Sorry Katsuki! You scared me!" He just grunted and continued to move me somewhere. "Where we goin Katsuki?" "My room." Huh? Okay then.

Once in his roof he threw me on his bed "ACK! KATSUKI WHAT THE HELL!" I heard him chuckle and I undid my cocoon to look at him. He sat on the bed next to me and laid down. He took my blanket and threw it on the floor then pulled me to lay down with him, he wants cuddles huh? I snuggle into him and we slowly drift off into sleep...

In dream land



I could feel the blood trickling down my body as I weakly stood. It took everything in me to pass out right then and there. While she was yelling I saw an opportunity, and I ran out the door.

I just kept running

Not stopping for anyone or anything

I ran down an alley and bumped into a person, they looked to be a hero

"Help me please!"

"Woah there! What happened? Is everything okay miss?"

In the distance, I could hear my mom shouting my name

"There isn't time to explain! I just need you to get me out of here!"

The hero look distressed

My mom ran into the alley and saw me with the hero, and her act went on

"There you are (Y/N)! I was so worried about you!"

She hugged me and I visibly flitched

"Let's go home now alright? I'll patch you up at home."

She forcefully grabbed my hand and started dragging me with major force

"Mom! Stop! You're hurting me!"

The hero ran after her and stopped her

"Ma'am you are hurting her, I'm gonna have to ask you to stay put while I call police and an ambulance."

My mom looked at the hero, let me go, and changed at the hero

She manipulated some water into a sharp spear and stabbed the hero in the heart

"I won't be taken away just yet dear~"

She pulled the spear out and left the hero to bleed out on the floor

She came back over to me and knocked me out

Back in the real world

"AHHHH!" I shot up from the bed, tears streaming down my cheeks, sweat running down my forehead. Katsuki shot up and held my shoulder "Hydration! You okay!?" He looked at me and saw how distraught I was and pulled me into a tight hug. Soon after Mitsuki and Masaru ran in, still in their pajamas and holding baseball bats "WHO DO I NEED TO HURT?" ,screamed Mitsuki. She looked at me and Katsuki and dropped the bat and ran over to me. "What happened sweetheart?"

I couldn't talk...I could barely focus on anything...I was freaking out to much..."Hydration! Look at me!" I shakily turn my head to Katsuki. "Look whatever fucked up nightmare you had wasn't real okay? You're gonna be okay." More tears flowed down my face as I curled up in a ball, the only words I could get out was 'She killed them...' "Who killed who sweetie?" I look at her, "M-Mom...Villain...Killed hero helping me...Knocked me out..." The Bakugo's stared at me in silence until they all hugged me. I then felt myself passing out, and that I did...

3rd POV

As (Y/N) had passed out the Bakugo's looked at one another, trying to put together what she said. Katsuki laid her down and covered her up as the Bakugo's went down to the living room. They all looked at the clock and sat on the couch. It was currently 2 in the morning, but they needed to put it all together. Masaru wrote down what (Y/N) had said and looked at Katsuki. "Katsuki has she said anything like this before?" He looked down at the paper and remembered her confession at the hospital. "Yeah she has. Her parents are villains and abused her in her past." Mitsuki and Masaru looked at eachother in worry. "Is she okay? Mentally?" Katsuki looked at the ground "I...I don't know okay?! And it pisses me off! I want to help her but she won;t tell me if their not okay!" Masaru sat next to Katsuki and rubbed his back, and Mitsuki spoke, "I'm sure after everything they will need some help recovering...They are strong and won't let go on us. We should just head to bed and ask they about it tomorrow." Katsuki nodded as he went up the stairs and climbed back into the bed with (Y/N), holding her tightly to him, as he drifted back to sleep.

Bakugo x Depressed Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now