Chapter One

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 All Supernatural Characters  belong to their original creators and the CW.  I only own my OCs. 

This is my first fan fiction.  Please give me your honest thoughts,  but please be nice.  Thank You

 Leah's  POV


It was a crazy thing to think about. I had never really given it much thought, but now it was at the forefront of my mind given everything that had happened over the last week. I sighed as I walked home, ignoring the stares from curios passerby's. I had skipped the last few periods of the school day and I was sure they were wondering what kind of delinquent behavior I was planning on getting up to. Surprise! Nothing. The only plans I had was to go home and watch Netflix in the comfort of my bed.

Today had been super boring. More so than usual. After the kid in the class next door to us had showed up dead in the woods last week our principle had decided that the whole school needed grief counseling. Pfft. I barely even knew the guy. It was no skin off my back that he was dead. I mean, sure, it was sad and tragic...but it wasn't my problem. was pretty crazy how he had just showed up dead...completely drained of blood. Nobody around here had ever seen anything like that before. So far authorities were calling it an animal attack; but I wasn't so sure. Not that what I thought mattered. Who cared about the inner workings of the thoughts of a thirteen year old?

I sighed as I continued to walk home. The sun was beating down and I could feel myself starting to sweat. I hated the heat. I was so ready for the cooler weather that was promised to come within the next month or so.

As I rounded the corner, I froze. This wasn't good. My mom was home. She wasn't supposed to get off work for another four hours so having her home definitely put a wrench in my plan. She would throw a fit if she knew that I had skipped. I cursed, and bit my lip, as I tried to think of a good lie. Their was no way I was going back to school to put myself through that snooze fest. Mom was usually so distracted that she might not even notice that I was home. I briefly thought about sneaking in through the back door, when I noticed another car in our driveway. I didn't recognize it. I crept over closer to the car, hoping my mother wouldn't notice me through the window, and whistled. I wasn't much of a car person, but I could tell that this one was a beauty. It was a classic; I knew that much, and the sun glistened off the dark paint.

I turned to go inside, deciding it would just be best to face my mother head on and get any punishments over with. I hoped I could convince her to be on my side if I explained just how boring it was having to sit through grief counseling for somebody you hardly even knew. I opened the door and quickly shut it behind me. I could instantly feel the tension when I looked up and saw three faces looking back at me.

"Leah! You're home early."

"Yeah, Mom..." I replied, trailing off as I watched the two men sitting on our couch out of the corner of my eye.

"You didn't tell me you had a kid, Hannah." one of them said. I turned, giving them my full attention now. The two men were dressed really nice in suits, and the longer I stared at them, the more familiar they became.

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "You're the FBI agents that came to my school the other day."

The two shared a look, and the one with longer hair stood up, wiping his palms on the legs of his pants, before holding his hand out for me to shake. I cautiously took it and he gave my hand a gentle shake.

"Yeah, that's us. I'm Agent Michaels and my partner here is Agent McKagen."

I nodded, though I still didn't understand why the FBI was in my house. It was then I remembered the familiar tone that the other one had used with my mom only moments ago.

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