Ansley - Ten

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                10 – Ansley

Now - June

I was on fire. I successfully drove a manual car and it just made my entire night 1000 times better. It helps that Hayes was the one to ya know teach me. I don't know why I out of nowhere after barely talking to him for the past like seven months straight, why I agreed to just let him pick me up from work. I don't have a good answer as to why besides I miss him. He walked over to me lifting me up to hug me as he spun us around once and put me back down.

"Good job." He spoke softly. "Next time we'll have to find a road, during the day. That is lightly traveled so you can go faster. I sighed as we parted, his hand slid down to mine and he leaned against the fender and lightly pulled me until I was back against him. "I was serious when I said I missed you."

"I know."

"I'm sorry." I had my chin propped against his chest looking up at him, and his eyes were on mine, and I could read him like a book.

"I know." He cracked a small smile.

"I want to tell you everything."

"I'm not going to push you."

"I know, but I want you to know."

"Why?" I asked with a small smile. He looked up and smiled.

"Because I kind of like you." He looked back down at me and I was smiling. "I just don't know where to start honestly. Cole and them all know everything because they needed to know who was going to be working for them. My parents and brother and sister obviously know and a very few other people, but other than that...nobody knows."

"Why not start with how you got involved?" He nodded and let out a breath through his nose.

"Uh, Janette. That's Hadlee's egg donor." He laughed. "She was my high school girlfriend, we were together for a while, ended up going to college together and she hooked up with the wrong crowd. I met up with her at some party and me being already drunk let her stick a needle in my arm." He looked away but continued. "After that I started dosing myself the minimum amount to not go through withdraw." My eyes went wide.

"But withdraw symptoms can start like six to twelve hours after..." He nodded closes his eyes.

"Every twelve hours on the dot I was shooting up." He shook his head and looked back into my eyes. "I'm not proud of my past at all." He let out a small laugh.

"How did you OD?" I barely recognized my own voice.

"Well, leaving out the specifics, I met with the dealer, shot up in my old car, went to this piece of shit townhouse on the bad side of town that Janette was staying in, she shot up, things got a little fuzzy, then she told me she was pregnant and it was too late to abort. Also stating she wanted nothing to do with the kid and she was going to put it up for adoption right away. I left, super pissed because I should have been able to be a part of some kind of decision, but I wasn't. I got home said fuck it and shot up again. Next thing I knew I was surrounded by a bunch of EMT's and already had Narcan in my system." He gave me a tight-lipped smile.

"Did you go to rehab?" He nodded.

"I did, for thirty days. Withdraw fucking sucks." He laughed. "When I got out, I was all for staying clean I knew I could do it once it was out of my system. But me being an idiot answered Janette's phone call, a few weeks after getting out, stating she just wanted to see me. So, obviously I went. She begged me to just lay with her and hold her, well I passed out, and she dosed me while I was asleep."

"What?!" I couldn't believe what he was telling me. What fucking trash seriously!

"Yea." He nodded. "So, since I relapsed, I was back to minimal dosage because I did not want to go through withdraw again." He laughed. "Time line wise I don't know how long it was after that, because time just, doesn't exist when your high. But, I uh, Janette begged me again to come to her so I did. I mean she was carrying my kid so I felt like I had to. Well again I fell asleep, you know like you would with your boyfriend or girlfriend. She did it again, but right before I got to her I had already shot up."

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