Hayes - Nine

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                9 – Hayes

Now - March

Ansley walked away and it was like a piece of me went with her. I had a strong attraction towards her and hated that I was doing this, I hated that I was hurting the both of us, I cherished the friendship we've created. I just wasn't ready to risk it all and fall head first. I was fucking terrified that she would walk away from me the moment I told her about my shit ass past. I got my shit together and walked back to the table sitting down with the guys. Summer showed up and left within a few minutes, Jordan started to go after her but stopped and walked back to us.

"You good?" Kase asked.

"Fucking fantastic." Jordan spat. "Can we go somewhere else?" Kase nodded and we all paid up and headed out. Kase and I grabbed ahold of Jordan because for some reason he flicked off Jenkins and Jenkins jumped up and we basically had to break up a fight before it happened. Kase shoved Jordan into his truck and I followed in my car.

- June

I kind of went MIA for a few weeks without even realizing it. I worked like crazy, and spent all my extra time with Hadlee. I constantly told the guys I was busy and just stayed at home wallowing in self-pity basically. Until my Mom showed up at my house this morning.

"Get up, you're leaving."


"You. Are. Leaving." She said again slowly. My brother walked in the house and laughed.

"She's telling ya ass to get up and go see your friends." Hunter explained.

"I'm good here."

"Nope. Not taking that as an answer, go. Now."

"Come on bro, I'll come with you." My Mom was already pushing me out the door I didn't have a choice in this. Hunter was behind her laughing.

"Whatever, the guys are at Libby's."

"Sick." I shook my head as we got into my car and drove to the bar. I was honestly hoping Ansley was there because I missed seeing her. Her good morning texts stopped, along with good night ones and have a good day. I've texted her a few times but now she was ignoring me and it sucked.

"Hayes!" Kase yelled laughing. "Dude they're dragging Jordan out too man. This is going to be fucking great."

"Yea, fantastic. This is my brother."

"What up Hunter!" Colton jumped up and shook hands with him. "Sorry, we were in the same grade." I nodded and Hunter started talking to Colt catching up. I sat down, ordered a beer and kept my eyes up on the TV.

A lot happened within a short amount of time after Jordan showed up. Everything was all good, then all hell broke loose, and then there was a fight, then it was just Hunter, Colt, and I at the booth. The night really went to shit fast. I mean Aiden and Jordan I know have anger issues; I've seen Aiden punch pieces of wood at work from being so pissed. But tonight, was the first time I've seen him actually throw hands with someone, and let's just say I'm glad he's my friend.

"I'm ready to go the hell home." I laughed out.

"Dude same." Colt said laughing and stood up.

"Hunter, you ready?" He was talking up some girl that walked past.

"Yea." We said bye to Colt and headed back to my house. I went straight to collapse onto my bed and figured fuck it, and texted Ansley not expecting an answer from her.

Me – I miss you.

Ansley – Great. This is exactly what the hell else I need right now.

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