Me – Boss I can't come get you.

Rick – Fuck.

Me – Look man, grab a bus home or something. Uber or whatever alright I'll Venmo you some money to be able to pay for it. It's only going to be like 10 bucks though.

Rick – It's going to be like 50 for me to get home.

Me – No it's going to be like 50 for you to get more dope and I am not condoning that.

Rick – Come on man, you know how this is.

Me – I've been clean since before you and I met. You can do this, but you have to want to.

Rick – I don't want to.

Me – Share your location.

He shared his location and I sent it straight to Daniel then called him.

"Need you to go pick up Rick if you can. I can't leave my daughter is sleeping."

"Got you no problem, what happened?"

"He shot up, he's trying to score."

"Got it. Heading to him now."

"Thanks." We hung up the phone and I forced myself to go to sleep. Four in the morning was going to be here way too soon.

The whole week ended up a little rough, the best parts of my day after work were spending time with Hadlee, then FaceTime with Ansley for like four hours before we both just passed out while still on the phone. Friday came around and I woke her up accidently when I got up at my usual four in the morning.

"Shit, sorry Ans."

"No, it's fine." She yawned with a smile. "What are you doing?" I set my phone up on my dresser as I grabbed a pair of pants and pulled them on over my boxers.

"Getting ready for work, woke up a little later than normal." She giggled.

"I'm not going to lie, watching you get ready is already the highlight of my Friday."

"Well then I'm not sorry for waking you up." I smiled grabbing the phone and heading into the kitchen getting my lunch and everything else ready as she laid in her bed watching with a smile on her face.

"I like the tattoo on your back, I mean I can't like see it really but it looks pretty awesome." I let out a huffed laugh.

"I'll show you in person sometime."

"I'd like that." I smiled and grabbed the phone again heading back to my room to grab a shirt, throwing it over my head and swapping hands to get it the rest of the way on. "Thank god I don't get motion sickness." She laughed.

"Sorry, told you running late." I smiled.

"You can hang up the phone."

"Seeing you has already made my day better." She smiled and I saw the blush creep over her cheeks.

"Do you want to come to Libby's tonight? Or is it too short of notice?" I smiled.

"I'll talk to my Mom when I drop off Hadlee."

"Okay." She smiled wider as I opened Hadlee's bedroom door.

"Hadlee, wakey, wakey." I heard Ansley giggle. "Hush you." I smiled at the phone before propping it up on Hadlee's dresser and picking her up out of her crib, still mostly asleep. I put her on the changing table and changed her diaper and clothes while she was still knocked. Picked her back up and put her against my chest, grabbed my phone and walked back into the kitchen. "Shit."

"I really can get off the phone."

"Only if you want to. I've got this one-handed thing down. Just might have to shove you in my pocket for like a minute." She laughed. I winked at her then put my phone down on the counter. "Actually, give me a minute, I'll be right back."

"Okay." I walked out to the garage, Hadlee still in my arms and got her buckled into her seat. Opened the garage door, started my car and backed it out of the garage before running back inside for my lunch and phone.

"Back!" I smiled at her beautiful face.

"That wasn't long."

"Na, just had to get her buckled in and the car started. Now I'm leaving to drop her off."

"Took you less than 15 minutes to get yourself and her ready to leave?"

"Told you I'm a pro at this now." I laughed. I was definitely not a pro. I backed out of my driveway with my phone in the mount and headed to my parents.

"Is your car a manual?"

"It is." I nodded with a smile.

"That's sexy." I laughed.


"I don't know, but it is. I've never driven one. My Dad was going to teach all of us but he was in an accident with Jordan like 15 years ago or something and kind of lost all feeling in his right arm. The boys both know how but I never got to learn."

"I'll teach you."

"Really? I don't want to like break something on your car! Jordan used to have a manual of the same car he has now but he refused to teach me because he told me I'd break it."

"Eh, it is only a car. I can get it fixed. But no, you won't break anything by just learning." I laughed pulling into my parents' driveway. "I just got to my parents, and as much as I honestly want to stay on the phone with you..."

"It's fine." She smiled.

"Go back to sleep beautiful." She bit her lip hiding her smile.

"Have a good day at work."

"It's already a good day." I winked. "Text me when you wake up."

"Okay, bye." She smiled and the screen went black. I took a deep breath before getting out of the car and pulling Hadlee out of her seat. I walked right in the door and my Mom was right in the living room waiting.

"You're running behind?"

"I woke up a little late, I'll still make it on time."

"Are you going to be speeding?"

"No, of course not. I don't drive a race car or anything like that." My smile grew and my Mom laughed.

"I'm pretty sure you've spent enough money on that car that it goes pretty darn fast." She took Hadlee out of my arms. "I'll get her upstairs; you go before you are late."

"Love you, thank you. Oh! So, I kind of want to ask you something..."

"What's that?"

"Well, could you guys, maybe just keep Hadlee over night? If not it's fine, I just...I was asked to hang out."

"With a lady?" I smiled.


"Are you ready for that?"

"I'm not jumping head first into a relationship or anything like that, we're just friends."

"Honey with that smile on your face? Just friends?"

"I like talking to her." I shrugged. "I just got off the phone with her."

"She's awake this early?"

"Well we were talking last night and both fell asleep, so I kind of woke her up." I laughed. My Mom smiled.

"Go out tonight, enjoy and have a good time." She gave my shoulder a squeeze. "I'm excited to be with you for this new chapter, as long as you're ready for it. Dad and I are so proud of you." I kissed her on the cheek.

"Thanks Mom, seriously for everything."

"Yea, yea." She waved me off. "Go get to work."

"Love y'all." I kissed Hadlee, even though she was knocked out, and my Mom again before running back out of the house and to Cole's parent's place before I really was going to be late.

Saving You (You Series, Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now