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5.30 a.m

Waking up earlier than you actually do because you planned to make a breakfast. Since Soonyoung already back from his business trip a few days ago,you decided to do it. Whilst he was away,you gone to the market nearby to buy all the ingeridients needed to make tacos.

You planned to make tacos with your own recipe. It almost the same like you can found outside but this is a bit different because you put kimchi in it.

As you always do at home. You've been taught how to cook since you were in primary school. As your mum trained you to be independent. When you were in middle school,you mum got busier and sometime she didn't has time to cook for you. Luckily,you can cook for yourself,so it's a relief for your mum.

Started from that moment,you like to cook. It's became one of your passion and you frequently try a lot of dishes. For you,cooking was like a release tention for anything that you have been through.

Whenever you cook,your mum rarely or maybe never give any bad comment. She usually compliment your cooking skills.

But what about him? What if his palate didn't suit yours?

You only let out a huge sigh as you don't have an idea about it.

But still,you reassured your inner self.

Stick a little note on the table written 'hope you like it:)'

You went to your room to get ready. You were about to leave the house when you clash into Soonyoung. He was walking to his room with his hands fixing his collar.

Took a glance him before you clear your throat.

"Sunbaenim, I made a breakfast for you. Hope you eat it."

He stopped from where he was,standing still and his eyes landed on you. His brows twitched with the words stated from your mouth.

"For me?Really?" he asked.

"Yeah,of course for you. I placed it on the dining table." you pointing at the kitchen with a smile plastered in your face.

His eyes followed at where you were pointing at and looking back at you. Right in the eyes.

You smiled as you at him too. Eventhough,there were a guarantee that your heart wants to jump out. Thanks that you seemed fine inside.


"I have to go now,anyeong" You stated and left. Lips curves a sweet smile right after you turned around.

Walking to the bus stop,you lifted up your head only to see the sky. Hoping everything is going to be fine as you planned.


The cafe almost crowded with custumers that mostly workers who were working in the building near cafe.

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