Chapter 11

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I liked Lionblaze, there was no way I could deny it or hide it any longer. It had been a least a moon since the clan had welcomed me and Dawnpaw and we had both settled in nicely. I knew all the names of my clan mates and made a few close friends (Dovewing, Rosepetal and even the senior warrior Greystripe and his mate Millie) and Dawnpaw had grown to become close with Cherrypaw and Molepaw, we even attended our first gathering! Everyday I spent more and more time with Lionblaze and the more time we spent the more my feelings grew and I was happy!

But I knew it would be hard to reveal my feelings to Lionblaze, what if he rejected me? What if he only thinks of me as a friend or an apprentice? Maybe his kindness was only courtesy? 

I pawed the ground anxiously from where I sat beside the fresh kill pile, Dawnpaw was chattering away  beside me not noticing my absence or my nervous and preplexed expressions. 

"Oh hey there Cinderheart" Dawnpaw meowed suddenly stopping herself from talking. 

I looked up suddenly and just then realized that Cinderheart was standing there, her dark blue eyes clouded and unreadable. I never really talked or hung out with Cinderheart, I mean she seemed nice but after Lionblaze had admitted they had loved each other it seemed awkward to become close to her. 

"Hello" she meowed faintly, wistfully "I've come to speak with Skyheart" she meowed. 

My ears perked and I couldn't help but feel surprised. 

"Oh of course" I meowed standing. 

She didn't say anything after I stood and we walked together to the camp entrance, me more or less following Cinderheart as she lead me deep into the wooden beach near the vast blue lake. Then she stopped abruptly, waves of cold and dark feelings vibarating from her pelt causing me to tense, what was going on? 

"Why...?" I asked slowly. 

"I know you like Lionblaze" she meowed coldly. 

"I uh don't" I stuttered, how had she been able to find out? Was it that obvious?

"Don't lie, I know the way you look at him" she meowed softly, I wasn't sure if she were sad or angry "I was there once" she growled harshly causing me to back up. 

"I'm s-sorry, but Lionblaze said you weren't together" I meowed steadily. 

"And do you know why?" Cinderheart asked, her eyes a blaze with cold blue fire. 

"No he never mentioned it..." I trailed slowly, everything was getting confusing and a bit scary. 

Cinderheart laughed. 

"Of course... You know nothing about him!" Cinderheart growled "He isn't perfect, he isn't good!" 

"S-s-stop he is good!" I tried to defend Lionblaze but I seemed to be failing Cinderheart didn't look phased she looked... happy. 

"You wouldn't know! Ask him about his secrets and we'll see, you'll see what he's been hiding" Cinderheart growled, I shook my head and bounded into the bushes. 

My whole body was shaking and my heart and head felt confused, could Cinderheart be right? Could there be dangerous secrets I didn't know about Lionblaze? Could he really be as bad as Cinderheart made him seem...? 

I rushed into the camp only to come muzzle to muzzle with Lionblaze, I blushed deeply and my heart raced as our noses touched, he smiled then stepped backwards a pace. 

"Why hello! I was looking for you, maybe we can do some battle practice?" Lionblaze suggested with a smile. 

"Uh Lionblaze I need to ask you a question" I meowed anxiously, he titled his head but nodded. 

"Sure what about?" he asked. 

"I ran into Cinderheart..." I trailed, dropping my gaze to my paws. 

"Oh no" he sighed. "What did she say?" 

"She warned me" 


"About you..." I meowed, his eyes widened. 

Tangled: A Lionheartpublishing Contest (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now