Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Lionblaze

I stared down at my paws, watching as each claw sheathed and unsheathed from them as they tore through the soft earth. My stomach was flipping and uneasy feeling was growing in my belly, sucking in a shaky breath I stood and padded towards her. I stood for moment a little ways away, to stare at her and how the light bounced off of her grey cinder colored fur and the beautiful happiness that shone in her dark blue opal eyes… She was gorgeous.

I padded slowly towards her, trying to lift my head to look confident despite the turning pit of anxiety in my stomach today could be the happiness moment of my life or the most life shattering… so no pressure but my full future lays in the delicate balance of her heart and our conversation.

“Uh Cinderheart” I cleared my throat; she looked up from where she was sharing words with Squirrelflight, the new Thunderclan deputy.

“Hi Lionblaze” she purred causing my heart to hitch.

“So I was wondering if maybe you would like to walk…” I meowed shakily “With me” I finished.

Cinderheart looked over at Squirrelflight, Squirrelflight exchanged a sly and almost knowing glance with Cinderheart and I almost felt like hiding but slowly Cinderheart nodded and stood to her paws.

“Sure! Why not”

I almost felt like jumping for joy but I held it in and smiled back at her confidently and calmly. We both padded out of camp in silence passing a border patrol as they were entering camp as we were leaving. 

We padded into the forest, the sunlight glittering down through the maple leaves littering the forset floor with bright patterns that would shift and change as the wind danced through the trees and the gentle woosh as the waves gently brushed against the shore signalling that the lake was close, this was the perfect setting. 

Suddenly Cinderheart stopped and turned toward me, her blue eyes shimmering with something that I couldn't read. 

"I know you brought me out here for something other then walking" Cinderheart whispered, the tone in her voice only matching the uncertainty in her eyes.

"Your right" I meowed. "I brought you out here to ask you to be my" 

"Mate?" she asked interrupting me and catching me off guard, this time I knew the expression in her voice... pain. I stared at her, now realizing what was shimmering in her eyes was tears and pain, why?

"Y-yes" I stuttered scared of the answer. 

"Lionblaze I'm sorry but I'm not sure..." Cinderheart whispered, the pain so sharp and heavy in her usually light and happy voice. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, anger and confusion rising through my body making me feel hot and uncomfortable. 

"I'm not sure about us anymore!" she replied sharply. 

"Your serious? Your doing this again..." I muttered bitterly. 

"Lionblaze... I'm sorry but" Cinderheart whispered. 

"No save it! I've been here before and I don't want to be" I growled and bouded out into the undergrowth, leaving Cinderheart and my broken heart behind... I suppose lonliness is all I will ever know...

Tangled: A Lionheartpublishing Contest (FINISHED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora