Chapter 8

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I stared up, sensing a presence to see Lionblaze smiling like a fool, I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him only causing his eyes to glimmer with amusement. 

"Hiya" Tilly meowed loudly to Lionblaze. 

"Uh hey" he smiled, I could basically hear Jayfeather shaking his head and rolling his pale blue eyes.

"Hi" I meowed, he smiled dorkily. 

"So are you joining the clan?" Lionblaze asked curiously. 

"Yes, are ceremonies are soon" I repiled somewhat happily. 

"Great" he purred.

"So what are the names of the other apprentices?" Tilly asked.

"Molepaw and Cherrypaw" Lionblaze informed. 

"Haha good thing your changing your name Cherry" Tilly giggled and batted at her older sister's shoulder. 

"Your changing your name?"  he asked puzzled, most cats don't do that I'm guessing. 


"Yes, I thought as a way of honoring my mother" Cherry meowed, her eyes shinning with determination and pride something very respectable and honorable and it caused a sort of wanting in my chest. Not a wanting for her but a wanting for a relantionship with my parents, like she had had with her mother.

I mean Leafpool was a good, sweet mother but we didn't have that connection that most mothers kits have, she was missing for most of my life and my own father didn't live in my clan... My whole family life was very confusing, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather were basically my only family I trusted but now even Hollyleaf was dead and gone. 

"That's brilliant, what will it be?" I asked with a large smile. 

"Sky something" she purred. 

"That will suit you nicely" I added warmly, Cherry ducked her head possibly to hide her blush?

"Alright brother what are you doing?" Jayfeather asked appearing from the shadows of the medicine cat den, a curious look on his face. 

"Thought I'd come to visit" I meowed "But I guess I better be off, I have some patrol I'm sure" I sighed turning to leave. 

"Bye" Tilly called out, I flicked my tail in goodbye but didn't say anything. 

Something in my heart wanted Cherry to stand up and say don't leave or let me come with you but I suppose those thoughts were only wishes of my broken heart, Cherry probably didn't like me at all at best she probably thought I was annoying or crazy. 

But there still can be hope... When Cherry becomes a warrior, she'll need a mentor, someone to show her around and teach her all the skills needed to defend Thunderclan maybe that cat will be me? 

Squirrelflight's P.O.V (Just a little off track lol) 

I looked down uneasily at my paws, one ginger and one white so miss matched but they suited me perfectly. I stomach was turning and twisting and my mind was running with a thousand different thoughts.

"I can tell by your expression this isn't what you were expecting" Leafpool meowed gently. 

We were nestled underneath a beautiful willow tree, the leaves brushing ground creating a peaceful whisper but peace was not going on inside of me.

"N- not at all" I stammered, brushing some dust away with my paws. 

"But this should be what you want, I mean your love for-" Leafpool began but I silenced her with a swipe of my tail and a shake of my head. 

"Just don't tell a soul" I whispered, she nodded and I knew she'd keep that promise. 

"But will be hard to hide in a few moons" Leafpool warned "Trust me" she sighed, her gaze shifting to ashamed, I nodded. 

I padded away from the old medicine cat, I chose to talk with her because she was my sister and because I didn't want Jayfeather to know... I don't want anyone to know! 


Gasp! Cliffhanger kinda! What's happening with Squirrelflight? Is she pregnant? And if she is with who? Bramblestar or someone else? 

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