Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 

"The clans began a long time ago, back in a forest where we no longer live today" Jayfeather began, his voice changing from rough and snappy to smooth and narrative. "In that forest lived a lot of rogues and loners, even some kittypets who had been drawn from their soft, comfy nest into the wild. Things were peacefully for many many years, there would be small quarrels between families but nothing major until 'The Great Battle'" 

I could hear Tilly's tail beat rhythmically on the stone floor, a sign she was heavily intrigued and I must say so was I. 

"Cats fought against cats for days and days, blood seemed to soak and stain the forest floor, many cats had died but the warriors raged on then one night when the moon was full starry cats fell from the sky to the disbelief of the cats below it was their fallen friends and family" 

"Wow" I breathed aloud, I quickly bit back my tongue when Jayfeather glared at him and seemed to say without words 'Shut up', I did. 

"Anyways, the fallen cats claimed they now made up a clan called Starclan, they told the living cats that they needed to create five clans to survive together, hunt, fight and live together they would become clans. They needed leaders, deputies and healers or medicine cats and of course borders and hunting grounds, then once everything was sorted out they were to meet back here next full moon so the leaders could recieve nine lives" 

"Five cats fought and claimed they were the best cats, River said he was the best swimmer, he is the founder of Riverclan for the river lovers, Shadow said she was the sneakiest and she founded Shadowclan for the night hunters, Wind said she was the quickest and she founded Windclan for the fast, Thunder said he was the bravest and he founded Thunderclan for the forest cats and Sky said he could jump the highest and he founded Skyclan for the agile" 

"And that is how it began" Jayfeather finished. 

"WAIT! Leaders get nine lives?" Tilly blurted out, her eyes sparkling. 

"Yes..." Jayfeather meowed "That's what I said" he snapped. 

"And when the leaders die, the deputies get nine lives?" I asked. 


"How?" Tilly asked. 

"A sacred place called Moonpool, leaders and medicine cats go their, I go their every half moon to talk with Starclan" Jayfeather informed. 

"Awesome" Tilly breathed. 

"Leader's also get the last name 'star', like Bramblestar" Jayfeather meowed, I nodded.

"So Squirrelflight's deputy?" I asked, he nodded "and she'll become Squirrelstar?"

"Yes, unless she passes away or retires before Bramblestar finishes his last life" 

"How many lives does he have?" Tilly asked. 

"Cats aren't suppose to know..." Jayfeather muttered "but he hasn't lost a life yet" 

"He has all nine" I meowed.  

"Correct, OK now I must work and grab you both fresh kill" he sighed, flicking his tail. 

He stood to his paws and exited the den before Tilly or I could ask anymore questions. 

"This is so exciting" Tilly meowed. 

"Yes it is" I agreed. 

"Do you think you want to stay?" Tilly asked. 

"We haven't even been invited yet" I meowed. 

"But if we do get to?" Tilly meowed "PLEASE!" 

"I don't know, Jayfeather made it sound glamorous but we'll have to fight and kill..." I gulped, unease spreading through my body. 

"I know but it's better then being alone" Tilly breathed. 

I stared down at my paws, this was my decision as much as Tilly loved it here she would leave if I did but she was right if we joined the clan we would have friends and be accepted but at the same time what if I lost my sister in some bloody battle like Lionblaze and Jayfeather lost theirs?


"So you brought back a few loners to join the clan?" Bramblestar meowed, crossing his tail over his large tabby paws. 

"No, I brought them back because they were sick and underfed" I meowed honestly, Bramblestar nodded slowly. 

"But you also want them to stay" he continued, I ducked my head, how had he guessed was I that bad at hiding things. 

"They would make good warriors, we need more apprentices too Cherrypaw and Molepaw are the only ones and Seedkit and Lilykit are still too young to be apprenticed" I pointed out "Tilly is six moons I believe" 

"That's a good point but who would mentor Cherry, she is too old to be apprenticed" Bramblestar trailed almost to himself. "I've made my decision, tomorrow I shall announce it to the clan" 

"They get to stay?" I asked somewhat excited which puzzled me. 

"Yes, now go on Lionblaze you have duties" Bramblestar meowed kindly whilst dismissing me. 

I dipped my head and quickly exited the den, leaping down into the lush green clearing. Toadstep and Foxleap quickly rushed to my side, Toadstep's amber eyes gleamed with questions and Foxleap looked suspicious.  

"So who are the rogues?" Foxleap asked coolly. 

"Tilly and Cherry" I meowed slightly defensively. 

"Do you think Bramblestar will allow them to stay?" Toadstep asked. 

"I don't know that's his choice" I sort of snapped at the black and white tom, he recoiled slightly. 

"Wow! Don't be so grumpy" Foxleap snickered, flicking his red tabby tail. 

"Sorry I'm just in a bad mood" I grumbled. 

"You and Cinderheart both" Toadstep meowed, I pricked my ears. 

"What?" I asked. 

"I said Cinderheart's in a bad mood as well, I asked her to go hunting with me and Ivypool she nearl y tore my ears off" Toadstep mumbled "Not at all like Cinderheart"

"Yeah maybe you should go talk to your mate and calm her down" Foxleap joked but it caused my blood to boil. 

"Me and her are not mates! Never have and never will be!" I screeched, Foxleap and Toadstep's eyes widened in pure shock. 

I growled under my breath then pushed past them and stormed into the warriors den, not wanting to deal with anything anymore, thankfully the warriors den was empty besides Greystripe and Dovewing who were sleeping deeply after an early patrol. I curled into my moss nest, my heart hammering and my blood feeling hot, I closed my eyes and tried to distract myself from thinking of Cinderheart and the cat that popped into my mind was Cherry... 

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