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Hyacinthus was laying half-asleep underneath his tree when he heard a distantly familiar voice say:

"We have stop meeting like this."

He opened one eye, squinting to lessen the effect of the sun, and saw Apollo standing on the worn-away footpath. He was wearing a large-brimmed hat, a white chiton and golden chord (much like the one he had been wearing the other day) and an old pair of worn sandals.

Hyacinthus closes his eyes and shuffled, making himself comfortable. "You're The one sneaking up on me. If you want us to stop meeting like this, the responsibility falls on you."

He laughed airily, the rocks and rubble crunching beneath his feet. Suddenly, Hyacinthus felt a shadow loom over him, blocking out the heat from the sun. "I would, but if I did, I'd have no reason to speak to you, and I want to."

Hyacinthus could only hope that Apollo didn't notice the flush on his cheeks. "Your 'want' should be enough of a motivator. It is for most."

"My, my." He sat down on the ground, at what was a suitable distance away. "You sound like a rather aggrieved man."

"Princes are aggrieved men."

Apollo's smile was mischievous. "If princes are aggrieved, then I can't imagine what kings feel like."

"Enraged, I imagine."

"Why must you imagine? Do you not know?"

"I don't see my father enough to know; being the third son, I'm apparently not privy to his company."

Apollo's mischievous smile faltered. Part of what Hyacinthus said resonated with him, he had never been particularly privy to his father's company either, not that he wanted it. He wasn't good company. 

"What are your siblings like?" He asked. His voice was soft, hesitant, knowing that he was walking a very thin line. He knew very well how volatile relationships between siblings could be.

"Argalus is the oldest; he's okay, I don't really see him much." Hyacinthus shrugged. "Cynortas is the second oldest and he is the bane of my existence. He's just so..."

"Enraging? Provoking? Mindless?"

Hyacinthus' mouth twitched into a smile. "Yes, exactly."

"I have siblings that are the same." His mind drifted to one sibling in particular. "They're just... unbearable. Family gatherings are a nightmare."

Hyacinthus nodded enthusiastically, not that they had many family gatherings. They were too busy for that. He continued.

"Laodamia is the third oldest. She's always with my mother, I don't see her much either. I think my father's planning to marry her off to some Athenian prince, I don't know."

"You have more siblings? You said you were the third son!"

"I am the third son, but I am also the youngest of five. I'm not sure I could be any less relevant."

"That is not the truth Hyacinthus and you know it." Apollo reprimanded. "I have walked around Sparta for near a week and I have heard more talk of you than I have your other siblings. The people say you are blessed by Aphrodite."

"They have said such things for years. I feel as if I have been fighting off suitors left, right and centre for an age already."

"Many people would delight at such attention."

"They compliment me on what they see, my appearance. Appearances change; when I get old I will wrinkle and turn grey, will they still love me then?" Hyacinthus scoffed. "I doubt it. If I am to waste eternity with someone, I want to waste eternity with someone who will not have me when I whither."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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