Because she was preparing herself to do whatever it took. 

And still, she quietly put one more protective ward around the little one inside her. 

But Bridget shook her head violently, flames dancing across her palms.  "Lyv, you can't..."

"I have to," she shot back.  "I have to try, even if only for a moment.  Because it's not like it was with Mik...and I don't know how long she's going to be able to stay.  You have to talk to her, Momma.  She knows you best."

Her mother choked out a sob as Corliss drew closer.  "I can't."

"You can," Lyv told her.  "You're her sister and she loved you so much.  There has to be a part of her still there.  You have to try and then maybe..."

Maybe they could succeed.

Lyv looked at Cleo then.  "I wanted to give you your mother back.  I still do if it's possible, but I..."

Cleo reached up, wiping beneath her eyes.  "I know.  I know, Lyv.  But we have to do this, no matter the cost."

The battle continued on around them, but the three of them were focused solely on Corliss as she threw spear after spear, wave after wave of darkness into their wards. 

And then another was cast down around them, doming over them, including Corliss as it trapped her inside. 


And another.

Until several more were surrounding them, created by Alberich, Emmeric, Gideon, Thia, Mik, Camilla, and Soren.  And even though they didn't have the same kind of magic of their own, Allel and Kalla were there, too, standing on either side of Mik.  Erly, Chesnan, Ollyn, and Odanth were still there, circling the wards and the people they loved, setting fire to any of the dark creatures that rushed forward. Blood splattered and covered in dirt and ash, all of them knew what was about to happen, knew this would be the end. 

And yet they were still there with them through it all, just as they always had been.

Even as Lyv, Cleo, and Bridget dropped their own shields between them and Corliss.

"Finally," Corliss hissed, grinning as another spear of dark magic lengthened at her side.  "Now we can really have some fun."

Lyv took the first shot at her, hurdling dark and light magic in her direction, which she easily deflected. 

Then, they were running.  Lyv and her mother remained side by side, both wielding blade and magic, while Cleo jumped into her waiting shadows.  She disappeared within them, though they continued to rush around the enclosed space created by the wards that held them.  Lyv could feel her within them, even though she couldn't see her.  Cleo and her shadows tried to latch onto Corliss, but she was too strong and managed to break free.  Bridget sent tendrils of fire and magic along with them, yet she couldn't get a hold on her either. 

Every bit of magic and fire and darkness they threw at Corliss was useless against her own shield, which she held firm in front of her.  Within the wards surrounding them, though, she didn't have far to go.  Instead, she disappeared into her shadows that stormed around them, blotting out any light that dared to try and come in. 

Cleo jumped from her shadows, landing beside Lyv.  "Her's unlike anything I've ever felt before.  It's not like ours in the slightest."

"Because it's not," Lyv told her.  "We have to..."

Cleo and Bridget froze in place beside her as Corliss's shadows latched onto their legs. 

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