🍃🧢 Breaking Spirit Time #5

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**************PART 7**************

Around the audience of the grandstand, two boys look at the world turning brighter with less saturation.

The world was bleak and frozen in time and space after Marc shouted the term, "White Space".

So far, all living things, except the monsters and nonhuman students, are frozen like statues.

While the world is quiet in activating White Space, the non humans inside the grandstand shout out of the X-fight started.

They are enjoying watching the battle between Marc and Harvey.

"Wow! I can't believe you pulled it off, Ricky" The boy with the bandana scarf said.

"Like I said, it was way easier than we thought of, Scott. Who would've thought that using Neon to persuade him on buying a drink can let Marc fight him" Ricky said, smirking at seeing Harvey struggling. "Devin was the one who come up with that idea and it worked perfectly."

"As expected of our leader, he knows the timing is right." Scott praised Devin.

"Well, let's just sit back here and enjoy this exciting fight" Ricky said as he stretched his arm and stayed relaxed.

While the two were getting comfortable watching their fight in the empty world, Luke was sitting there as well, observing his friend below.

"Hey! Can we just settle this out in peace?" Harvey asked, dodging Marc's fury flames.

"Depends whether you hit me or not" Marc moves forward and slash his weapon at him.

Harvey uses the wooden shield and blocks it completely from his weapon. It was lucky it didn't kit around his flames otherwise, his shield would've burned out

His face began to sweat because of the heat. He painted, looking at Marc with his bamboo stick or a torch on fire.

"This guy?! Boy, why do I always end up getting trouble from stubborn guys!" Harvey sighed and complained in his thought, "Allan did mention to me he's one of Football Group! I can't believe he used his swinging style with his power on me!"

The flames enrage in high spirit, letting Marc swing to calm it down. "What's wrong, out of leads?"

"Shut up!" Harvey shouted, trying to focus and stand up.

As a matter of fact, Harvey was struggling. It's been 20 minutes since he started the fight and all he had to do, was to dodge every move Marc made, especially his flames.

Harvey knew he won't last on dodging forever since Marc is getting serious.

Rising his shield has a purpose, Harvey was determined to use it in perfect timing.

Just before he stood from his feet, he heard an unpleasant laugh, coming from the audience. It was from his back as well.

As Marc tried to unload his flames, Harvey turned to that voice and saw the familiar face of the guy he wanted to hate.

"Hehehe...Not bad for a fighter." Devin smirked and pitied him.

The green haired boy's expression is full of rage and anger. And then, what comes to his vision is that Devin tries to tell him something.

Marc unleashed his flames and spun it with his bamboo stick. He noticed that Harvey wasn't paying attention.

Dashing forward, the audience cheered, which caused Harvey to not hear Devin's word.

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