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But to my surprise, Taehyung managed the money within a few days.

I was really shocked.

Not to mention that he also managed the money for the operation.

Where did he get that much money?

I couldn't even gather half of the money and he managed to get all of it including the money for the operation.

I didn't knew Taehyung was that rich.

But I did knew one thing for sure, that it wasn't his money.

It was someone else's.

And when I used to ask him where did he get all the money, he always chuckled and replied, "A friend of mine gave it to me."

Which friend?

Who was that much kind enough to give such amount of money only to help a blind girl to have her sight back?

Nevertheless, I was so grateful to him though.

But I wondered,

Who could it be?

BLiND LOVE✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt