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Dean:A snowball hits your back.
"You're gonna pay for that!" you yell and laugh.
You take some of the crystal white snow and form it into a ball. You strike for him but miss.
"Ha!Looooser!" he calls out.
At the same time you've already formed a new snow ball and strike again.
This time you hit.
"Who's the loser now, eh?" you say with sass.
He runs up to you. Fast.
"TIMBER!" he yells and throws himself on you.
"You win Dean." you say and smile.
He laughs and looks you in the eyes.
"I think it's a tie." he says and kisses you.

Sam:"It's snowing Sam!!" you call out.
"What..?" he says, still half asleep.
"It's snoooowing!" you say and jiggle his shoulders around.
"Okay, okay I'm up." he says and yawns.
"What did you say?" he asks and sits up.
You point to the window.
He looks out.
One look, before he realises what you were saying and smiles ear to ear.

"Last one out is a rotten fish!" Sam yells and rushes to the door.
You're not far behind and you burst out the door. You throw yourself into the snow. You quickly start making a snow angel. Sam follows and makes one that's probably twice as big.
You laugh together before you look. At the sky. The clouds. Sharing this moment together is amazing.
"Sammy." you say and look at him.
He looks back, smiling.
"I know Y/N, I know." he says and takes your hand.

Castiel:"I don't understand Y/N." Cas says while looking at you putting your shoes on.
"What's so great about snow?It just the same as rain." he says, again confused.
"I'll show you what's so great!" you say and drag him outside.
You show him how to make a snowball.
You then throw yours at him and tell him to throw his on you.
"What if I hurt you?" he says, doubting.
"You won't." you answer and smirk.
He smiles and throws it at you.
"Hey...This IS fun!" he says and laughs, forming another snowball.
Exhausted you sit down on a pile of snow.
"That was fun." Cas says and smiles.
You had a snowball fight, built a snowman and everything else possible.
"I knew you'd love snow." you say and laugh quietly.
He takes your hand and looks you in the eyes.
"Thank you. For everything." he says and smiles.

Gabriel:Satisfied you climb up the hill again.
"Your turn Gabriel." you say and hand it to him.
With speed he throws himself out the hill.
Snowsledding with Gabriel is so much fun.
"WOHOOO!!" he yells out.
You smile to yourself and watch him collapse and roll down half of the hill.
Snowy, he stands up and reaches out his arms.
"I'm okay!!" he screams.
You laugh and make a thumbs up sign.
He pulls of the snow from his face. He's smiling.
He snaps his fingers and then he's on the top with you.
He takes your hand.
And puts the sled down. What is he doing..?
He sits down and makes you sit right behind him.
You'll never make it!It's to tiny, and the hill is anything but flat...
Without protesting, you get on. You know it'll be okay. An angel is watching over you.
Quickly he pushes you both down.
The snow is splashing up on Gabriel's face. You're both laughing and you are screaming of joy. The joy of sharing this moment. And the fact that you are almost falling off.
You're almost at the bottom when you slip off. Your only reflex is grabbing him. You tumble around in the snow until you're both lying still.
You realise you're lying on top of Gabriel.
"You okay?" you laugh and roll over.
"Ofcourse I am." he says and smiles.
You lay your head on his chest.
"I'm more than okay..." he says and smiles

Lucifer:You laugh as Lucifer looks at your snow angels like they are junk.
"Snow angels are assholes like all other angels in heaven." he says.
This makes you laugh even more.
"How about..." he starts.
"Oh no..." you say and interrupt him.
He ignores you.
"Snow devils?" he says and grins.
He gets down on his knees and add some "devil" things, like horns.
He makes them all very quickly and then stands next to you for inspection.
"These are truly horrible." he says and laughs.
"Unlike you though. You're amazing, my little devil." he says and holds you tight.
Who knew the devil could be so sweet?

Crowley:The snow is just magical. On a cold morning like this, walks are just the best.
Crowley took you out to a beatiful forest. You really love it here. You used to tell him about when you were a kid, and when you took long walks in it. Everything is so memorable. Every single tree you remember. Everything is as beatiful as ever.
And Crowley is with you.
You look at him and smile. He holds onto your hand a little tighter than before and smiles back.
You could be freezing like you weren't wearing clothes at all, but he gives you all warmth you need. Holding his hand makes your body warm. It makes your heart warm, and walking in the snow is so much warmer.
You walk past another tree that you remember from your childhood.
The best one. This is the tree you always climbed in, and sat down next to for reading.
You stop Crowley and yourself and remember all those memories.
He realises what you're thinking and leads you to that tree. He looks at you.
"I'll give you another memory for this tree." he says and kisses you.
You wrap your legs around him. You're warmer and happier than ever. Just the perfect moment...

So, you might have noticed that I didn't write Balthazar.
That's because I can write TFW and Gabriel non-stop and then when I get to Balthazar...
I have to stop writing to think.
This way I can post more chapters.
Well, if someone really really wants him, just say so in the comments and I'll just have to manage.
It's not the end of the world;) I can write Balthazar, I just don't know that much about him:p
Btw, try not to kill me for how horrible Crowley's chapter was•.•

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