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*time skip 1 month*

you have to go home today. everyone thinks nicks is dead. he is still going to stay at your place but riley is going to part ways with you when you get to north carolina. you board your plane and and fly home. you say goodbye to riley.

y/n | come visit again soon.

R | i will.

she looks at nicks. she gives him a huge hug and a kiss.

R | i'll be back.

he nods. they talk for one more second before they leave. hailey comes and picks you up.

H | how are you guys?

y/n | good.

P | exited to get home.

H | we are happy to finally have you back home. that house has been quiet.

y/n | i bet, how's Austyn.

H | very good.  she's having baby food now.

y/n | that's exciting!

you talk amongst yourselves on the way home and when you get there you are greeted by your mom and your dad. you dad picks you up and spins you around.

dad | hey sweetie! i missed you!

y/n | i missed you too!

he puts you down. you give your mom a hug.

mom | how about we all go to dinner tonight?

y/n | we totally should!

mom | hailey, you guys can come to. and you nick.

N | no, it's okay. i wouldn't want anyone seeing me.

mom | no way. we can't just leave you back here.

N | it's okay. i'll call riley.

dad | speaking of riley. where is she?

y/n | she went home.

dad | okay. well how about we order food and watch a movie!

P | that sounds good.

y/n | yeah.

N | sure! let's do it.

mom | okay. what do we all want.

y/n | i don't care.

P | nick. you can pick if you want?

N | i know me and y/n always used to get Pandas after school.

y/n | i remember that.

dad | i'm good with pace if you all are?

H | yeah. that sounds good.

P | yup!

H | i'm going to go pick up my husband and Austyn from my mom's house. i'll text you my order.

dad | okay.

you and payton walk up to your room. you flop into your bed. payton lays next to you. you text mom your orders. you roll over and lay your head on his chest. he scratches your head.

P | i'm so lucky to have you babygirl.

y/n | i'm lucky to have found someone like you bubba. you fixed me.

P | i love you

you sit up and tickle him causing him to pick you up and throws you down on the bed. you start laughing and payton smiles and pushes you over causing you to fall off the bed. he tries to catch your feet but you still hit the ground. you are both laughing so hard.

P | are you okay?

he says through laughter. you nod. he picks you up and sets you on the bed. he lays on top of you. the door opens. you both look over. it's nick. payton sits up.

y/n | hey nick.

N | i can come back.

y/n | no, payton just posted me off the bed.

nicks scoffs. you pat the bed beside you.

y/n | come sit.

N | i was actually wondering if i could talk to you privately. just really quick.

you look over at payton.

y/n | i'll be right back.

you and nicks walk to his room. he closes the door behind him. you sit down on his bed. he sits next to you then los up at you. a tear falls from his eye.

y/n | are you okay buddy.

you wrap your arms around him. he buries his face in your neck as tears stop from his eyes. you put your hand on the back of his head and scratch it. he puts his arms around your waist. you feels his pain leave through his tears. you rub his back. after about 25 minutes of just crying he sits up.

N | thank you.

he sniffles.

y/n | you're welcome. are you okay now?

he nods.

y/n | okay. let's go get food.

he smiles at you. you give him a hug and walk out. you run back upstairs to change your shirt and get payton.

P | hey, what happened.

y/n | he was sad.

P | about what?

y/n | idk, probably riley, he just cried.

you pull off your shirt.

P | i see.

you look at at your shirts. you feel someone place their hands on your bare hips. you look back.

y/n | what are you doing?

P | admiring you.

you scoff.

y/n | shut up.

you feel his body get really close to yours. you can feel he has an issue. you turn around and look up at him.

y/n | you better fix that before you down to eat

he stands there shocked. you are sure to brush your hand against it as you walk by. he wimpers.

it girl<3: Forever & AlwaysМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя