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N | okay fine. ever since i was a kid my parents would always talk to me about the importance of being successful since my father founded his multimillion dollar business when he was 15. our parents became business partners years ago. so i grew up alongside you...

y/n | okay?..

N | he knew your family was successful so when i turned 8 he started pushing me to do things i didn't want to do because you were my best friend and that's how i wanted it. i was 8 anyways. so then you probably remember our 3rd grade halloween party.

*flashback to the 3rd grade halloween party*

you walk inside and you run up to your mom and dad.

y/n | mommy! we have the party tonight are you exided.

mom | i'm so exited sweetheart!

y/n | what are you and daddy going to dress up as?

mom | me and your father are going to dress up like parents for halloween.

then your dad walks out in a darth vader costume. you mom laughs a little.

dad | y/n, i am your father!

you giggle and run over to give him a hug.

y/n | you look so funny!

dad | go get your costume on and show your mother.

you run back to your room and throw on your costume. you run back out to show your mom.

mom | who are you?

your mom says playfully.

y/n | i'm jasmine!

mom | oh!! you look so cute.

dad | come on you can't be late!

you father scoops you up and walks you to your car. he buckles you in and you drive to school. you walk in holding your dad's hand. as soon as you walk in you see nick. he's dressed as aladdin. you walk over to him.

y/n | nick!

N | hey y/n. you look so pretty.

y/n | thanks. i like you'd costume too.

N | yeah! we're from the same movie.

y/n | i love aladdin! it's one of my favorite movies.

N | me too.

then your parents walk over to you. they give you tickets for games and you run around playing as many games as you can. nick wins you a lollipop. you go back into the auditorium for the halloween show the 5th graders put together. you sit down on the floor eating your lollipop when nick turns to you.

N | you know what happens at the end of aladdin.

y/n | yeah they live happily ever after.

N | no, they kiss.

y/n | ew kissing is gross.

N | have you ever kissed someone?

y/n | i've kissed my mom and dad.

N | no like who's not your family.

y/n | no.

nick plants a peck on your lips. you looks shocked then you giggle.

*end flashback*

y/n | yes! i do remember that!

N | yeah. my dad stocked your family to find out what you were going to be for halloween so your characters could interact. with jasmine it was easy. they had been pushing me for weeks to kiss you. when i asked you to be my girlfriend a year later they had been pushing me to do it. when you rejected me... they screamed, they hit me, they punished me, i was grounded. they wouldn't let me go to school.

y/n | omg. you should have told me nick. i would have helped you.

N | now you will. then you wouldn't have known.

y/n | yes i would have. i would have known something was wrong.

N | that's when our family's grew apart. we cut some ties. we started talking again summer after our freshman year after 3 1/2 years of not talking. we met back up at Stevie Jamisons party. we unblocked each other and started texting. we'd be at stevies house every other weekend. by the time we were sophomores we were known as the king and queens of frat party's.

y/n | ahh i forgot all about that!

N | then we started dating at the end of the school year. we still went to party's but that's just how our relationship was. i never told my parents. i told them i was working late at school.

y/n | but you'd come home drunk as hell. what about the nights you came home with me.

N | your parents never said a word.

y/n | really? i wonder if they knew what i was doing every other night when i came home at 4 am?

N | who knows. but we'd go to school and everyone would be like "looks like someone had a late night"

you both laugh.

y/n | shit those things were so nasty. a bunch of drunk, sweaty and horny teenagers in a small house.

N | couldn't have em planned it better. AND how everyone wanted their 7 minutes in heaven with you.

y/n | they did?

N | people would rig the bottle!

y/n | shit! i didn't know that.

N | hell yeah.

y/n | our relationship was really toxic.

N | yeah i guess. but outside of party's we were pretty heathy.

y/n | weird. i didn't even realize...

payton's getting to know a little more about your past. what will he think?

it girl<3: Forever & AlwaysDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora