Chapter 1

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Training for the day was some warm-ups and then a bit of sparring. Sensei had them spar to see how the can control their elemental powers and how the ninja plan to use them to their advantages. Zane and Cole were the two finals put up to a test, after winning against Kai and Jay.

(Were gonna skip the fighting because I suck at writing fighting scenes)

Zane stood above Cole holding his Golden Shuriken above Coles throat. A sly smirk plastered on Zane's face. Cole was positive he would win this sparring session against his robotic boyfriend. Only for Zane to show him wrong. Zane moved back, taking the Shuriken away from Cole. Zane reached his arm out to Cole. Cole gladly accepted and pulled himself up off the dirty ground. Some dirt was left on the back of Coles Gi, but he could care less about that.  Sensei let out a soft sigh.

Wu made his way up to the Monastery doors. He opened the door before saying something, "Train for another hour and you can be finished for the day, ninja." Sensei finished turning fully around and closing the Monastery doors behind him.

"Ugh, another hour of training?" Jay moaned out, clearly exhausted after sparring with Cole. "It's only another hour Jay, it can't be that bad." Cole stated.

"Everything hurts..." Cole wheezed out, short of breath.  The ninja tested out Jay's new sparring bots. Kai being eager to try them turned them instantly to level 9, ignoring Jay's cries for him to not turn it up that high. 

They finally defeated Jay's bots, bruised and out of breath. "Awe c'mon I just finished those Kai!" Jay shouted, voice cracking along with the sentence. Kai let out a light chuckle. "Heh, whoops?" Kai stated blankly.
Zane helped Cole up from the ground. "Thanks Frosty." Cole stated letting out a sigh. Zane let out a small nod, a smile forming on his face. Zane chuckled as he looked at Cole. This confused Cole. "What's so funny, Pinky?" Cole asked confused. Zane let out a chuckled sigh. Zane took his hand up to Coles hair and shook it clean. Apparently dirt and a few leaves were caught in his hair trying to stop Jay's sparring bots. "Ohh..." Cole chuckled, "Thanks Frosty." Zane rubbed the left dirt off his hand looking back up at Cole. "No problem Cole."

The Monastery doors opened. Nya walked out wearing her casual red outfit. "What happened here?" Nya asked, confused on the mess. Jay huffed before he began talking, "Well Kai thought it'd be a great idea to put my sparring bots to level 9 when we were only testing them!" Jay shouted facing Kai. Kai's arms were crossed while he sent a death stare to Jay. "You should've said not to when you mentioned them!" Kai protested, pointing his finger in Jay's direction. Jay walked over and pushed his finger down. "I tried telling you, but you don't listen!" Jay shouted.

Nya, Zane, and Cole sat there watching the two bicker. It was a few minutes and they continued to bicker. Nya let out a slight sigh walking over to his brother. She grabbed his arm that was currently clenched into a fist. "Kai come on." Nya said pulling her brother to the Monastery doors. "H-Hey I wasn't done with him. Where are we going?!" Kai asked, surprised. "Were gonna go take care of your dragons." Nya confirmed pushing Kai out the doors. "We will be back up later." Nya said before closing the Monastery doors."

"Something tells me that she's not going down there to take care of the dragons." Zane said making his way to the punching bag to continue their hour of training. "What's she gonna do to him?" Jay asked. Cole shrugged his shoulders, "I have no fucking clue." With that Cole and Jay followed Zane and continued to train like their sensei told them to.

Hour Time Skip

Jay huffed sweat falling down his forehead. Honestly he stunk. They would need to get a shower after they got back into the Monastery. Jay took a spare towel and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Jay heard laughing behind him and knew it was Cole and Zane. They were messing around as they continued to pack up from training. 

Jay had to admit he was kind of jealous of their relationship. They seemed so perfect for each other and Cole loves Zane no matter how different he was from the others. When he first met Nya he had a crush on her. Though those feelings vanished as he continued becoming closer friends with Kai. He would be lying if he said he didn't start fights with him to get him mad. To Jay, Kai becoming infuriating and bickering with him was honestly adorable.

Jay was quickly knocked out of his thoughts as he was shook. Jay shook his head looking at who shook him. It was none other than Kai. Jays face was dusted with a shade of pink. "Are you okay?" Kai asked putting his hand back down to his side. Jay nodded, "I was just thinking." Kai chuckled. "You? Thinking? I don't believe it." Jay took offense to this. "HEY! I can think!" Jay laughed pushing Kai with little effect. "Oh, can you now?" Kai asked pretending to be surprised. "Yes I can and I'm good at thinking!" Jay huffed, sticking his tongue out after. This made Kai laugh. "Come on Motormouth lets get inside."

Inside they were met with Cole and Zane talking. "Finally you guys come in." Cole said. Jay was confused. "What do you mean finally, we were outside for like 5 minutes." Jay said obviously confused. "Uh no, you were standing there in your little day-dream for like 10 minutes, until Kai shook you." Zane confirmed. "Oh wow I didn't even notice." Jay chuckled rubbing his neck.

The conversation ended as Kai and Jay continued to talk while Cole and Zane went into their shared room. Cole faceplanted onto his bunk as Zane sat at the bottom of the bed. "My everything hurts." Cole said, voice muffled from the pillow. Zane chuckled crawling into bed beside Cole.  Zane read his book while Cole snuggled up against him. Cole eyes drooped as his head rested on Zane's shoulder, his head snuggled into his neck. Zane sat his book down on the nightstand. Zane kissed Coles forehead and ends up falling asleep Coles snuggling into him. 

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