Chapter 12

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The path we're walking on seems endless. The trees are tall, a little sunlight passing through the leaves; they appear as if they are taunting us, like our presence is being questioned. A light gush of wind brushes past us, making me shiver even though I'm used to cold. There's something off about the place, but I can't seem to find anything suspicious about it.

Leaves crunch beneath our feet, filling up the place with a sound that's almost too deafening. The place is so quiet that I can hear my own pulse, my own heartbeat, as we venture forward.

My eyes flicker to my mate, who is almost crouching as he looks forward. His body is on alert, a little tensed, his eyes trained forward but flickering to me every now and then. His Alpha instinct is surfacing, and it's a sight to behold. His forehead is creased, his brows are almost touching. His canines are extended, magnificent and deadly. His aura is everywhere, letting the nature feel his presence. Everyone can see, even at once glance, that Leon Adler is a force to be reckoned with, a powerful Alpha.

My heart swells at the sight of how strong he looks, how his muscles contract, and how dangerous he appears. All those trainings in the afternoon, the midnight runs he usually has with his father, the sparring; they all lead to this. They prepared him well, trained him beyond his limits. That's why he's ready to be an Alpha.

"Stay sharp," he commands, his tone low as he looks to his left and right, sniffing the air, trying to get a sense of what's going on. "I don't like this place one bit. I've been on edge since we came here, and it feels like there are eyes watching our every move."

"You feel it, too?"

"Yes," he lets out a feral growl as his eyes flicker to the bushes. He lets his wolf surface, his eyes going from its original color to yellow. "I've been out in the wild for quite some time now, and I can tell how dangerous this place is."

"But I don't think there are enemies though," I tell him truthfully.

"What do you mean?"

Although I can feel gazes upon us, I can't sense any presence here. This place is supposed to make us feel... unsafe. But for what? I muster up a strength to sense any life surrounding us through the ground. I crouch down, placing the tips of my fingers to the ground, trying to discern any objects. I shut my eyes, trying to get a grasp of this ability that just came inside my head.

It's already exhausting me, but I have to know how safe we are in this place. I don't want to risk my mate's safety. Leon is an Alpha, and he's got strength and power, but as a mate, I can't put him in danger. If we have to go back to Klein's pack and get help, then that's what we're going to do. We're not going to be noble here; we're going to take the high road as there are a lot of people who like to help us. We may have just met Klein and the others, but I know they are good people. There's nothing wrong with asking for help. Although they offered help before we left them, and we declined politely, a lot can change when you sense a great danger.

"This place is just eerie," I tell him, opening my eyes as I don't detect any sign of life around us. "What we feel may just be some sort of barrier, like it's supposed to keep us away from going forward, to stop us."

"Why would, well, the nature keep us away? Why would they do this?"

"There's only one reason I can think of, Leon." I stand up, clenching my fist as I turn to look at my mate who looks confused. "We may be near at one of the shrines. And although I don't feel sight of life, we still need to be cautious. Remember, the hunters could have gotten their ability to switch off their scents at the shrine's area."

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