The adventures of Grandpa Tai, Great Uncle, an y/n 1

Start from the beginning

Tai: "hey you wanna bother Ozpin"

Qrow: " you read my mind"

Tai: "lets go get another jacket he's going to need it"

*Time skip to Ozpin's office*

(Ozpin Is a gust on this and he will occasionally be in these adventures)

no one's point of view

Ozpin: "so let me get this straight your 14 year old daughter left you to take care of her child because Its your day off and she couldn't take him with her because the students were told to keep their weapon's home because its a hand to hand combat day to focus on hand to hand combat, and so she couldn't take him because he is her weapon that she made which turned into a baby that can turn into a weapon and so you got bored and bought matching outfits and you want me to Stop working and hang out"

both Tai and Qrow: "yes"

Ozpin: "well what are we waiting for?"

we see the group leave beacon to hang around Vale we see Tai doing a foid challenge Qrow a drinkimg challenge then everyone trying Ozpin's hot chocolate with plesent smiles on their face then we see Tai and Qrow playing rock paper scissors to change your daiper then more ice-cream then eating pizza then doing hard-core parkourthen enjoying mor hot chocolate

Qrow: "hey Oz watch this"

Qrow then pulls put a bullet 

Qrow: "this is how you get y/n to turn into a weapon"

he than proceeds to show you the bullet and you go to try to grab it but he pulls it away from you

Qrow: "not so fast little buddy change into your weapon form"

you quickly nod and turn into your weapon form

Ozpin: "to think someone of his age unlocked his semblance at such a young age" 

Qrow: "actually it's not a semblance he can just do this"

Ozpin: "you're telling me he can turn into a weapon and it's not a semblance"

Tai: "yeah he was created a weapon but was turned into a baby"

Ozpin: "interesting it'd be a bad thing if general ironwood got information on him who knows what kind of experiments he'd do"

Me: well it's just about time to leave

And as he says that you turn back to normal and Qrow gives you the bullet and you eat it with pleasant smile

Ozpin: "did he just eat a bullet"

Qrow: "oh yeah he can eat bullet and shoot them from his body"

Tai: "we should head back it's almost time for signal to let out"

Ozpin: "I still have paperwork to do"

Tai: "hey Oz can you give me that hot chocolate recipe"

Ozpin: "sorry Tai that is a secret anyway thank you for the day we should do this again someday"

Tai: "yeah well see you Oz"

And with that we see are adventurers head back home

*small time skip to Yang and Ruby getting home*

Ruby's pov

Yang: "Ruby you've been worried all day I'm sure everything is fine"

Me: "I don't know yang my mommy senses are tingling someone gave him a bullet"

Yang: "Ruby you're being dramatic"

Me: "Watch once I open this door something is going to be going on"

And as I open the door I hear

Dad: "No y/n you cant have the bullets where did you even find this"

y/n: *angery baby noises* "fdrtdmhfyv!!!"

Dad: "Hey! I'm not old"

y/n: *normal baby noises* "gfnfgyf"

Dad: "no I'm not giving you the bullet"

y/n: *angery baby noises* "htdxghcxgc,jhchgchgc!!!"

Dad: "oh I'm an old fart now huh? well you're just a baby"

y/n: *angry* "Bah!!" 

Dad: "don't Bah me Bah you"

y/n: *angry* "BAHBAHBAH!!!"

Dad: "what are you going to do walk over here and beat me up you cant even stand without help"

Me: "looks like y'all are getting along"

Yang: "were home"

they turn to us and y/n got so happy

y/n: "MAMA!!!"

and as he said that he stood up by himself and started walking to me


y/n: "Mama!!"

Me: "Yes Come to mommy!"

and as say this he falls but I hear a sharp sound like a gun being fired off then I see him flying full force into me knocking the wind out of me. Then i go flying into yang who has apparently been videoing this and we all go flying into a bookshelf with books falling on us

Me: *angry and out of breath* "Who.. gave... him ... a... gravity... dust...round "

Then uncle Qrow walks over from the other room

Qrow: "man what happened here"

Dad: "y/n had a accident again"

Qrow: "that's Rough well Tai you wanna go to a bar now"

Dad: "sure hey kids here's some money so you can order pizza"

Yang: "That hurt really bad"

after that Dad and Uncle Qrow left to hang out me and yang had pizza and then I fed y/n watched a movie then put y/n to sleep and re-watched his first steps until I fell asleep

Mother Ruby Rose  x Child Crescent Rose ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now