Battle between Y/n and Yang

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Ruby Pov.

Me and yang came back from school to do are match but when we got there I saw something unexpected I saw Y/n Going toe to toe with Uncle Qrow in the training area I was in total shock because Y/n was Deflecting all of Uncle Qrow's Attacks with a Kunai while Qrow used his sword Until he kicked Y/n in the gut sending him back

Qrow: "Is that all you got I know you can do more"

that's when Y/n Summoned a big Shuriken from out of no where and threw it at Uncle Qrow. He  was about to go underneath it. What I don know why Y/n threw one that big because it would be easy to dodge but Qrow had a look of surprise so I looked closer there  was a Shuriken the same size underneath it in the shadow, so Qrow jumped in-between them I then see Y/n pull back and the two shuriken swung around and where coming back at him but Qrow was still in mid air so Qrow twisted his body and the barely missed him cutting his Cheek and leg Y/n then threw Kunai at Qrow but as he was about to dodge they turned into clones of Y/n grabbing and pinning him to the ground Y/n then went up to Uncle Qrow

Y/n: "Cookies"

Qrow: "yeah I know I now owe you cookies"

Y/n then makes the clones disappear unpinning Qrow and helps him up


they both look at me with shock on there face and Yang was just as surprised I was but then got a smug look on her face

Yang: "I told you Y/n was stronger and smarter than you think and look he even made clones "

It was Like everything I knew was a lie my son is fighting like he's done it for years and making clones and weapons coming out of nowhere 


Y/N: "NO!"

Me: "ONE!"

Y/N: "uh-uh"

Me: "TWO!"

Y/n: "No you mad"

Me: "Thr-"

Yang: "hold on now Little sister lets say if he wins in a sparing match with me then he is free to go"

Y/N: "Deal"

Me: "what? no he is going to have no cookies and be put in time out for LYING TO ME!!"

I then see Y/n Flinch when I said that last part he then slowly walks towards us and I give him a very stern look 

Yang: "hold it we where suppose to train him today remember let's see what he knows before he's in trouble plus he needs to learn how to fight to stay safe from grimm and other things. you don't want Y/n to be defenseless do you"

Yang Pov

I see Ruby thinking about it. seeing Y/n fight made me proud him he needs to learn and apparently Uncle Qrow was teaching him more than just the basics so I'd like to see how this goes.

Ruby: "Fine just don't go too overboard"

Me: "well looks like it's me versus you little buddy"

Y/n: "yeah"

Qrow pov.

yang and you got ready for the match and Tai came outside in his combat outfit ready to help Qrow train, but when he looked he saw Yang and you in the ring which is just a big rectangle in the dirt 

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