The adventures of Grandpa Tai, Great Uncle, an y/n 1

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(These chapters are going to be sprinkled here and their sometimes Its a little filler)

Xiao Long-Rose Residence about  later

Tai pov

Ruby: "come on little buddy let me go I have to go to school."

y/n: *angry* "MAMA BAABBABBBBA!!"

(the only word he knows I don't know how to make baby speech so go with it)

Ruby: "Don't take that tone with me young man!"

Qrow: "Tell me again why me and Grandpa over here has to watch him while you go to school?"

Ruby: "Because one it's hand to hand combat day which I hate. They told us to not bring are weapons today."

Me: "ok but Its are day off."

Ruby: "Which brings me to my next point you and Uncle Qrow have the day off today and I cant take him to school today."

Qrow: "Ruby the day off is for us to relax and not watch children."

Ruby: "oh yeah what are y'all going to do all day?"

Me: "well.."

Ruby: "well?"

Me: "were going..."

Ruby "going?"

Me: "To..."

Ruby: "to?"

Qrow: "we were planning on going to a bar!!"

Me: "yes were going to a bar!!"

Ruby: "your a bad grandpa"

Me: "hey no I'm not! I just need a brake from kids."

Ruby: *puppy dog eyes* "PLEEAASEE!!" 

Damn those eyes they're nothing but trouble 

Me: "Fine"

Ruby: "Oh thank you"

after that she just started things that I need to do when watching him really fast

Me: "Ruby I know how to take care of a baby I've done it before"

Qrow: "I don't know Tai I don't recall Ruby or Yang  ever eating bullets then shooting bullets from their fingers"

Ruby: "yeah keep him away from the bullets."

Yang: "Hurry up Ruby or well be late"

Ruby: "Here take him I got to go?"

y/n: *more angry baby noises* "BABbBBBABABABABBAB"

Ruby: "I'll be back Have fun with grandpa"

When Ruby and Yang left it was just me, y/n, and qrow and we just stood there in silence until.

Qrow: "you thinking what I'm thinking"

Tai: "Yep"

*Time skip brought to you by Chibi Tai, Qrow, and y/n walking around with shades on*

no ones pov

we see are protagonists walking through vale and going to a  clothing store then we see them leave with matching leather jackets and shades. then just chilling around town then going to a arcade and play laser tag then Tai speaks up

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