•Thirty Eight•

Start from the beginning

Instead of doing just that, she hummed a song in her head, the one she always hummed when she was nervous or stressed out. Which had been everyday lately... Once she was done with her dinner prep and made sure that everything was set in place, she took her leave from the kitchen.

As she wandered the pack grounds, she contemplated going back to the Alpha house. She didn't want to see anyone in that house. Maybe just Lo who was pregnant.

Pom would watch the baby kick and move inside the woman's stomach. Every time Lee would show up and talk the baby would start to move a lot and it was cute to watch it. The happy family...

Her hand went to her stomach and a sigh left her lips. She had imagined having young with War. Their babies would have blonde hair like him and deep brown eyes like her...but now she couldn't even think like that. Thinking like that, dreaming, hoping it wasn't good for her health.

War still went out and did things she didn't know. He would come back to the house smelling clean as if he took a shower somewhere before setting foot in the house. Which could only mean he had been doing terrible things before and didn't want her to smell it on him.

The smell of blood and a host of other scents assaulted her nose and her curious wolf followed the scent. They never had raw meat in wolf form, and the animal instinct was taking over quickly.

As Pom's wolf trudged through the cold forest, the scent of males and rich blood made her trot turn into a full fledge run. She was on the edge of her heels with excitement, the curiosity getting the best of her juvenile like mind of her wolf.

She ran directly into a large male wolf. She whimpered away, tripping over her feet as the wolf snarled and turned his big head to the side to growl at her.

Fear seeped into her bones as she fell on her back and quickly squirmed around, helplessly trying to get back up on her feet. Her wolf was nervous and scared and that was making them too clumsy. Once she was upright, she looked around and noticed it was about 8 other wolves and they were nipping and biting at a large fallen animal. It looked like a moose?

As Pom lifted her snout in the air to sniff at the fallen food, the wolf she ran into, snapped with his jaws, letting her know she shouldn't even be sniffing around their kill.

She took a few steps back, watching as the wolf sniffed the air around her and then made a grunting sound. She was still nervous, not being able to turn away and run like she should be doing.

Then she smelt a familiar scent as her nose sifted through the blood and the other male scents. It was her mate. He had blood dripping from his muzzle and licked it clean as his large wolf approached Pom's smaller one.

Pomelia was upset and angry with him still but the wolves were in love and the moment they touched, the moment War was rubbing against them and licking at their fur, her wolf melted. Pomelia received every lick and scenting, enjoying being doused in her mates scent.

Once her mate was done ensuring she was oozing him from her pores, he trotted over to the large kill. He ripped at the limp, brown flesh, tearing a piece off and having it hang in his mouth.

War walked past her and she instinctively followed behind, her tail wagging in happiness. Once they were alone he dropped the food down on a nice patch of green grass and growled low in his throat. Pom happily obliged, licking his muzzle before she dove in to the gamey meat.

The piece was larger than she thought as she tore into it with her sharp canines, gulp after gulp. Before she knew it, her belly was full and she was content in life. She whimpered and shoved the remaining meat with her nose in his direction.

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