𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙𝙣𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙧𝙚-

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"BOO!" Y/n said as she popped her head out from the invisibility cloak.

Cedric screamed like a little girl when he saw Y/n's head sticking through the cloak.

Y/n burst into laughter at the sight of his scared face.

"Not funny!" He said to the girl, but she was still laughing her ass off.

Y/n wiped a couple to tears away from her face "Oh come on, it was hilarious."

Cedric pouted and looked all sad.

"Okay, so what did you have to tell me, i'm freezing so hurry up."

"I can, uh, give you my coat if you like?" Cedric said as he started to unbutton his coat.

"Nu uh, that's just weird."  Y/n said looking at the boy.

"Oh, uh, yeah." He chuckled a bit nervously and buttoned his jacket back up.

"So what do you have to tell me, cause Harry wants this blanket back in a bit and it's really freaking col-" She began to rant but was cut off by Cedric.

"It was me and my friends, I'm sorry." He blurted out, keeping his gaze down on the ground.

Y/n chuckled.  "What do you mean 'It was me and my friends'?"

Cedric continued to stare at the floor "We brought the quidditch set outside of the field, and one of my friends let the bludgers out, and it ended up hitting you in the face."

Y/n's jaw dropped, she clearly wasn't expecting that.

"Listen, i'm sorry-" Cedric began but Y/n interrupted him.

"Who was it." She quickly said.

"It was one of my friends-" He was cut off again.

"What's their name." Y/n shot out.

"His name's Arlo-" Y/n cut him off again.

"Is he Hufflepuff?"

Cedric nodded.

Y/n put the cloak back over her head and bolted back into the school.

She avoided the boy yelling her name from behind her, most likely chasing her, but Y/n had no time to look behind her.

Y/n came to stop when she was in front of the Hufflepuff common room.

She quickly took out her phone and messaged Cedric to meet her at the Hufflepuff room right away.

Two minutes passed and Cedric came bolting down the hallway, running to the door.

As soon as he stopped, Y/n looked around and quickly removed the cloak.

"Open the wall Cedric." Y/n said very sternly.

"Do you know what trouble I'll get into if someone finds out a Slytherin's in the Hufflepuff common room!?" He whisper-yelled towards Y/n.

"Nobody's gonna find out dammit!  Just open it before I blow up the damn wall!" Y/n said louder.

"If someone finds out, i'm going to get in so much trouble and-" Cedric began to rant, but Y/n quickly cut him off.

"JUST OPEN THE DAMN DOOR CEDRIC!" She pulled the cloak back over her head and waited for Cedric to open the wall.

She looked away when Cedric did the knocking patten against the brick wall.

Y/n followed Cedric as he walked in, avoiding all of the people in the common room, he walked up to (what she assumed to be) the boys dorms.

When Cedric opened the door, Y/n could see a bunch of other boys scattered around the room.

𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙨 | social media x irlWhere stories live. Discover now