𝙉𝙤, 𝙣𝙤, 𝙣𝙤!

779 33 204

Third Person


It felt like a blink of an eye. As soon as everything went black, she woke up. But it wasn't in front of the black lake, it was in a white room.

Y/n opened her eyes. It was pretty dark in the room but she could still make out that it was white.

She lifted her head a bit to see what else was in the room, but she instantly regretted it.

Y/n groaned and moved her hand to hold her head, but on the way, her hand felt something on her neck.

She lifted her hand and spoke clearly "Accio phone."

After about 5 seconds, her phone came zooming into the room and into her hand.

Y/n turned the phone on and quickly went onto her camera app.

"Holy shit." the girl spoke, a little too loud.

The camera showed her face all bruised up, a black eye, and a neck brace on her neck.

"No, no, no!" she tried to remove the neck-brace, but she couldn't get it to open (since it was a muggle object and she wasn't always the best with muggle stuff).

Y/n continued to try and remove the brace that kept her neck straight for the next 10 minutes, she would've kept trying if Madam Pomfrey hadn't come to check on her.

"Ms. L/n! Stop that this instant!" The nurse ran over to Y/n's bed.

"Why do I have this, I don't want it on!" Y/n kept on playing around the the straps.

"If you don't stop this Y/n, you'll give me no choice but to-" she was cut off by Y/n yelping in pain.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL!?" Y/n started to tear up at the pain.

"Merlin's beard." Madam Pomfrey mumbled to herself and walked off.

"HEY! DON'T JUST WALK AWAY! WHAT THE HELL!?" Y/n had raised her voice at the older lady.

After a couple minutes of calling for the nurse, she had finally came back with something in her hand.

"Open up." she said to her patient lying on the hospital bed.

"What? No i'm not opening my mouth!" Y/n told the lady.

Madam Pomfrey sighed, she walked over to Y/n and forced her mouth open, Y/n tried to force her mouth shut, but it obviously wouldn't work.

The nurse put a potion in Y/n's mouth (by force of course), it tasted like ass.

"See it wasn't too bad, was it Ms. L/n?" the nurse said, smiling at the girl.

"It tastes-" Y/n yawned, "It tastes like ass."

Y/n started to feel her eyes get heavy, and before she knew, she was fast asleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Y/n woke up to a whole bunch of noises moving around her.

She started to open her eyes. When her eyes were fully open, Y/n quickly brought her hands to her neck, thankfully, the brace wasn't there anymore.

"Good morning Ms. L/n." said a voice from beside her.

Y/n quickly (but carefully) turned her head to see the nurse standing there with a smile on her face.

"Oh shit, i'm so sorry Madam Pomfrey-" Y/n began, but Madam Pomfrey quickly interrupted

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