"the atmosphere's getting gloomy. do you want an ice cream?" Yeosang asked. "an ice cream in April? are you trying to get sick?" Jade asked him, chuckling lightly. "if im getting sick im getting sick with you after all" he winked. "sure then" she giggled. they entered a nearby ice cream shop.

"what would you like?" Yeosang asked as he neared the counter. "fyi im paying for myself" Jade said as she quickly caught up with him. "okay i guess" Yeosang shrugged as they both turned towards the nice looking lady behind the counter.

"i'll have one scoop of pistachio and one scoop of caramel please" Jade said with a polite smile. woman smiled at her sweetly and nodded. "and what would our handsome boy like?" she turned towards Yeosang. his ears turned red. "i'll have one scoop of cookie dough and one scoop of vanilla, please" he smiled back at the lady.

"coming right up" she chimed cheerfully and started making their cones.

after getting their ice cream and paying for it, they continued walking, eating their ice creams with tiny plastic spoons.

"i actually really love ice cream" Jade stated randomly

"really? i mean i love ice cream but not that much"

"no like i love love ice cream" she replied. "we always have few tubes in our fridge. actually, Jimin always buys it for me since he knows i like it. he might seem like an annoying brother sometimes but he's actually very caring. he's also very paranoid. he's a big dork but he's my dork" Jade giggled.

"that seems nice. my siblings are stupid." Yeosang said.

"woah you have siblings? i never knew" Jade replied. he nodded.

"i have one older sister. her name is Seulgi. and one younger brother named Taehyun. noona is working too. Taehyun is still in high school. they're both dumb as hell. Taehyun pulls pranks on me all the time. it's very annoying. and noona always steals my food"

"oh my god Jimin steals my food like all the time. he could have his plate full and he'd still steal my food" Jade rolled her eyes and giggled.

"that's exactly what noona does. sometimes i wanna smack her but i cant cause then she'll snitch to dad" Yeosang chuckled

"my parents are barely home. they're always busy with that stupid company of theirs. so they barely spend time with us. if i do something to Jimin he can't do shit. but i still blackmail him cause he gives me bunch of blackmail material. that dumbass legit sneaks out every weekend to go to parties. he also snuck someone in the other day. dumb bitch got the wrong window. you should've seen my horror when i saw a stranger in my room" Jade tsk-ed.

"that seems pretty annoying yea" Yeosang chuckled. "quick question. is Jimin older or younger?"

"he's 23, turning 24 this year" Jade answered nonchalantly

"then why don't you call him oppa? noona would smack me if i called her Seulgi."

"ew. you'll catch me dead before you catch me calling anyone oppa. those kpopies made it sound so cringy i can't even say it without cringing alot." Jade pulled a disgusted face, making Yeosang bust in laughter.

"that's true" he nodded. they kept walking. they were somewhat close to Jade's university, so she recognized this place. she grabbed Yeosang's hand and dragged him somewhere. shocked boy followed her obediently.

Jade took him to more quiet place, that was behind the layer of busy streets. buildings there weren't as pretty and it seemed gloomier. not many people were there. Jade dragged him towards a circular bench. in front of it was a kinda abandoned building. it was made of glass and the door was locked but you could see some spray paintings inside. (a/n: i actually did whatever happened in this chapter with my crush sksksks).

they both sat down on the bench.

"its nice here" Yeosang said, looking around.

"yea it's not loud and not many people are here. if you didn't notice already i don't like people" Jade smiled.

"yea i actually noticed" Yeosang said and shifted his attention towards Jade again.

"me and Meg come here a lot after university." Jade stated nonchalantly.

"i wanna meet Meg once. you talk about her a lot and she seems like a nice person." Yeosang replied and finished his ice cream, throwing the spoon away.

"maybe we'll come to café after school one day when Jimin will be busy again. don't get me wrong. i'd just drop by tomorrow or something, but that means i'd have to reject Jimin's offer to take me home and i'd have to take bus and i do NOT want that. i hate buses." she cringed. buses and people inside made her feel suffocated. plus if its crowded

"i feel you. i don't hate people but no sane person likes buses." Yeosang chuckled. Jade felt like their conversation is very dry.

"i was thinking about how good a septum piercing would look on you." Yeosang said randomly. Jade looked at him wide eyed.

"l-like ones that are on your nose?" she asked. she doesn't like the idea of needles anywhere near her face. yea sure she had her ears pierced but she did that when she was 6. she wasn't scared of needles by that time. but then she had a traumatic experience with sharp stuff.

Yeosang chuckled

"of course, dummy. where else do you have a septum?"

"oh haha" Jade chuckled too, but very awkwardly. then Yeosang gasped.

"oh my god. let's go get your septum pierced."


sorry for the long chapter. also the conversations are very boring because i'm basically improvising. when me and my crush did that she talked about how her new school sucks and the lack of gay people there. so idk i couldn't do that here.

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