11. You never were.

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"Remember Max, if you ever come across a Witcher, the best thing you can do is pray" 

"Why papa?" 

"Witcher's are murderous, they will stop at nothing for coin...they're monsters Max, do you understand?" 

"Yes papa..." 


"Did I hurt you?" 

"Geralt it's fine..." 

"Max I-" 

"Shh...it's fine...you didn't hurt me" 

"...If you say so" 


Max sat up in the tree. A fur pulled tight over his shoulders as he stared down at Yen and Geralt talking around the fire a ways away. Max could only see their faint silhouettes and the light from the fire, he could see Roach grazing as well. 


Max nearly jumped out of his skin at Jaskier's voice. Looking over at the tree branch beside him where the man was sitting, 

"Wh-when did you-" 

"I've been here a while" Jaskier said with a cheeky grin, "you've been thinking" 

Max huddled into his fur, "...maybe" 

"About Geralt?" 

"I said maybe" 

Jaskier shrugged, leaning back against the tree and Max slowly looked over at the bard. 

"How...how do you do it?" 

"Do what?" 

"Not...have any prejudice against Geralt?" 

"Well I have some...but I'm very quickly unlearning it, Geralt is a very nice man...he acts all tough and mean but he's a caring person" Jaskier said, "you?" 

"...My father taught me that Witcher's were monsters good for nothing else other than murdering...slaughtering whole villages" Max winced, "But...like you said, Geralt is a good man" 

Jaskier nodded, looking back over to the fire, "I agree" 

Max nodded as well. The two sat in silence for a while before both climbed down from the tree, heading to the fire where Jaskier sat down beside Yen, leaving the only other open spot beside Geralt. 

Max flushed but sat beside Geralt who gave him a hum of greeting. As the night dragged on, Max slowly leaned against Geralt's strong shoulder and closed his eyes, feeling safe and happy with the Witcher by his side. 

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