3. I wonder about you.

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The next day, Max watched Geralt as he spoke softly to his horse. He could faintly hear what the Witcher was saying, all things about how it would be over soon and they'd get to go home eventually. 

Max got up and went over to his own horse, untying her from the tree and hopping up. Looking over at Geralt as he did the same thing. The two started to ride off in silence when Max spoke to Geralt, 

"So...where do you come from?" 

"Rivia" Geralt said shortly and Max frowned a bit, 

"Is it nice there?" 


"Where are we going?" 

"Next town over". 

Max huffed, he tried to get a few more responses from the Witcher but all he got was short and to the point answers. He wanted a conversation damn it.

He eventually just fell silent, the two heading into town when Max looked over at Geralt, 

"I'm hungry, can we stop?" 

Geralt grunted and stopped his horse which Max believed was named Roach, the man hopping down and leading his horse and Max until they reached a tavern. 

"We can stop here for a while your highness" 

Max went red, "It's Max" 

Another grunt, Geralt tying Roach up and Max hopped from his horse, doing the same before heading inside as well. 

It was a bit different from what he was used to, it was loud and it smelled of ale and faintly vomit. There was a man with a lute in the corner singing about something or other and Geralt stared at the man for a while before going to sit in the corner. Max felt it was best to give the man space so he went over to sit at the bar. 

"Hello there", 

Max looked up to see the bard from the corner. Friendly dark eyes staring at him while the man smiled, 

"Oh...Hello" Max nodded to the bard who sat on the stool beside him, 

"Are you with that man in the corner?" 

"We are travelling together yes" Max said and the tavern owner came over, Max ordering food and the bards eyes practically lit up, 

"Dark armor, white hair, yellow eyes and two very big, very scary swords...I know who he is...Geralt of Rivia!" 

"Well you'd be correct" Max nodded and the bard hummed in pleasure, 

"I'm Jaskier" 

"Max" Max said, almost grateful that the bard didn't recognize him. Jaskier fell silent, staring over at Geralt as Max thanked the tavern owner for his meal and starting to pick at his bread, almost choking when Jaskier made his request, 

"May I come with you?" 

"I beg your pardon?" 

"May I come with you? Come on, I know what you're up to, the king and queen have been discussing hiring the Witcher for damn near years!" 

"Well...I don't know, Geralt doesn't really-"

"I won't be but simple background noise" 

Max bit his lip and looked at Geralt who was busy with a mug of beer. Or maybe ale or wine, Max didn't know the mans tastes. He looked at Jaskier, 

"Fine, you can accompany us" 

Jaskier's face broke into a wide smile and he let out a squealing noise which Max gave a small smile at, offering the bard a piece of bread. 

Jaskier proceeded to yap his ear off for the next little while. Talking about anything and everything while Max ate quietly, appreciating Jaskier treating him as just another person instead of a royal. It was refreshing.

"Are you-who's this?" Geralt asked when he came up, looking at Jaskier who looked at Geralt and waved happily, Max chewed on his lip before responding, 

"Geralt this is Jaskier, I told him he could come with us" 

Geralt's catlike eyes snapped over to meet his, anger filling them and Max shrunk in his seat a little, Jaskier speaking for him, 

"I promise not to get in the way and to be nothing but simple background noise" 

"I'd prefer no noise at all" Geralt grunted, "but fine" 

Jaskier perked even more, Geralt rolling his eyes and walking out of the tavern with Max and Jaskier following him. 

"He can ride with you, this was your idea your highness" Geralt said, climbing onto Roach and Jaskier looked over at Max, confusion written on his face, 

"I'll explain later" Max said, climbing onto his own horse and waiting for Jaskier to climb on as well before following after Geralt, the journey continuing.   

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