2. Who made you cold?

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Max and The Witcher continued along their path, eventually leaving the town on horseback. Max had made many attempts at conversation however the Witcher didn't seem to want to talk. Only grunting, growling or humming at whatever Max said which was only a bit infuriating. 

"Can I at least ask you for your name?" Max asked, an annoyed tone having crept into his voice and the Witcher glanced at him before nodding, 

"It's Geralt of Rivia" 

"Ah...I'm Max" 

"I know who you are your highness" 

"It's called being polite" Max grumbled and Geralt just seemed amused by Max's annoyance. 

The two continued to ride until Geralt stopped, looking up at the sky and frowning, 

"We should stop" 

Max wrinkled his nose, "and sleep in the outdoors?" 


"...Fine" Max said hesitantly, getting down from his horse and tethering her to a low branch, petting her snout before starting to help Geralt set up a camp. 

He wondered why Geralt was so cold, who had made him this way...if it was just his personality that would be a shame. 

Max thought he was rather cute. 

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