Chapter Thirty-Three: Kristina

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Kristina was sitting on the back of Jax's bike, cuddling with son when the man in question came out the front door of the house. He walked straight to them, wrapping them both up in his arms. He dropped a kiss to the top of Thomas' head.

"Is it done?"

"For good." Jax kissed her forehead.

"Than let's get the hell out of here, please. I want to see Abel...and I need to have a conversation with Wendy."


Once back at the clubhouse, Kristina had reunited with Abel and gotten cleaned up before pulling a terrified Wendy outside to talk.

"Relax, Wendy," Kristina chuckled as she took a seat at the picnic table next to the small boxing ring. "I'm here to negotiate a peace treaty, not start a war."

"What are you talking about?" Wendy took a seat across from her.

"I'm alive right now because of you and Gemma told me what you did when she told you that you could see Abel. You respect the fact that I adopted him, that I'm his mother." Kristina kept her tone friendly but firm.

"Of course," Wendy nodded. "You're exactly what I wanted for Abel when I walked away. I wasn't meant to be his mom."

"I spoke with Jax and we were thinking," Kristina folded her hands on the table. "Maybe my adoption of Abel could be an open adoption."

"Are you serious?" Wendy looked like she was trying not to get her hopes up.

Kristina nodded. "Abel's old enough that he remembers a time when I wasn't around. One day he's going to be old enough to realize that I didn't give birth to him. For right now, so long as you stay clean, you can be Aunt Wendy. As long as you call first, you're welcome to come and see Abel anytime you want to."

Wendy covered her mouth with her hands as a few tears fell down her cheeks. "Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me."

"I'm pretty sure I do," Kristina smiled and got to her feet. "Come on, lets go inside so you can say hello."


Kristina stood outside, watching as Wendy pushed Abel on the swingset that Gemma had had installed for the club's ever going number of children.

"This a real nice thing you're doing, princess." Jax came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

Kristina leaned back in his arms. "Wendy's harmless and she clearly loves Abel. This will be good for the both of them."

Jax turned her in his arms and gently kissed her lips. "Wendy's got Abel and my mom's not letting go of Thomas anytime soon. Does my queen want to accompany her king to the royal bed chambers?"

Kristina smirked. "Lead the way, my handsome king."

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