Chapter Thirty: Jax

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"You ladies going to be alright?" Jax shrugged into his kutte. Knowing what he was about to do, his heart was beating so fast that his chest was burning.

It was two days after Thanksgiving. He'd met with Sonny and gotten his approval. Now it was time to take the last step. His brothers all now knew of Clay's double-cross. They'd had time to think over their decision.

"We'll be fine, honey," Kristina assured him. She walked him to the door while her sister sat on the couch, bottle-feeding Thomas. Happy had dropped her off a few minutes earlier and was waiting for him in the driveway. "Don't worry about us. We'll still be here when you get home."


Jax looked at his brothers gathered around the table and took a deep breath. "We all know why we're here. We've been betrayed by one of our own. Today we're faced with a choice that no brother wants to face. A man's life is in our hands."

The vote had been unanimous...mayhem. Happy would grab Clay when he wasn't expecting it. He'd dispatch the former club president with the help of Sonny's hitter and Kristina's brother-in-law, Jason.

Jax was emotionally destroyed when he arrived home, accompanied by Happy, who was picking up Molly.

The minute he stepped through the door, he knew something was wrong. The living room had been destroyed...and not by Abel. The coffee table was broken. Thomas' swing lay on its side in front of the fireplace. The family photos from the mantel had been smashed and glass littered the floor. There had been a struggle.

"HAPPY," he shouted for his brother.

Happy came running in the front door and the two panicked men quickly searched the house, guns drawn.

Kristina, Molly, and Thomas were gone without a trace but Jax located a terrified Abel hiding in his bedroom closet.

"Mommy said hide." Abel was crying as Jax holstered his weapon and picked him up in his arms.

"Where is Mommy?" Jax rubbed the toddler's back, trying to soothe him.

"The Evil Witch took her," Abel buried his face in his father's neck.

Jax saw red. Clay wasn't the only person who was going to die. Now Tara was going to join him in the grave.

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