Chapter Twenty-Four: Gemma

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Gemma had heard that Tara had moved back into her childhood home. One phone call to Unser and she knew the younger woman's work schedule. That's why she found herself parked on the street four houses away from Tara's at midnight. Tara worked nights on Thursdays and should be home any minute. All the good doctor's neighbors were senior citizens who went to bed early. There were no street lights on that block so as long as Gemma kept her headlights off there would be no witnesses who could place her near Tara's house.

At 12:15 Tara pulled her cutlass into her driveway. Gemma waited until she was inside before getting out of her car. Walking briskly to the front door of the house, she knocked sharply three times and rang the doorbell once.

Tara opened the door and an immediate look of terror came over her face. "What do you want, Gemma? She was halfway hiding behind the cheap wooden door.

Gemma laughed and waved her hand dismissively. "Don't look so scared, baby. I'm here to talk about you and Jax, give you a little advice."

Tara still had a suspicious look on her face but she still, foolishly, allowed Gemma into the house.

Once the door was closed, Gemma pounced on her prey like a lioness. Before Tara even realized it, Gemma had slugged her in the stomach and slammed her up against the entranceway wall. She grabbed her throat in a vice grip.

"Gemma," Tara coughed as she tried to catch her breath. Every time she got close, Gemma squeezed a little tighter. "I *cough* thought you wanted *cough* to talk."

"We are talking, doc," Gemma sneered. "Now, I'm going to give you that advice." She leaned in so close that their noses were damn near touching. "You stay the hell away from Jax, Kristina, and their boys. If you don't...they won't even find your body, sweetheart."

"What if I *cough* go to a *cough* the police," Tara was trembling when she asked.

Gemma smirked and reached her free hand around to her back jeans pocket and pulled out the syringe filled with heroin that Juice had procured at her request. Using her thumb to flick off the protective cap, she slammed the needle into Tara's shoulder. Tara screamed but Gemma's grip was so tight on her throat that no sound actually left her mouth. "No one believes junkie whores." She waited for Tara to pass out before letting her fall to the ground.

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