Chapter Twenty-Nine: Kristina

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"Bluebird, bluebird, in and out my window," Kristina sang as she gently rocked the old wooden rocking chair. She only made it as far as the second verse before Thomas was fast asleep in her arms. Getting carefully to her feet, she laid Thomas in his crib before heading to the kitchen to make Abel his lunch before his afternoon nap.

Kristina was just setting a grilled cheese sandwich on the table in front of her oldest son when Jax surprised her by walking in the kitchen door. He wasn't normally home until dusk. "What are you doing home so early," Kristina asked before accepting his kiss.

"Slow day at the shop and no club business tonight so I thought I'd spend the rest of the day with you and the boys." Jax ruffled Abel's hair before taking a seat at the table. "Piney knows and I'm telling Opie at the barbecue this Friday." He was keeping his tone casual because Abel was in the room. "I talked to your dad too. He doesn't know all of the details but he's agreed to come for Thanksgiving so we can talk. We'll call the vote then."

Kristina grabbed a beer out of the fridge and set it in front of her husband. "What about Tig and Bobby?"

"Happy's dealing with them and Juice is gonna bring Chibs in on everything." Jax popped the top on the beer and took a long sip.

"So now we just wait?" Kristina allowed him to pull her to sit on his lap.

"It sucks but, yeah," Jax confirmed. "Clay can't know that we know."

"Whatever you think is best." Kristina leaned back and rested her head against his shoulder. She was beyond exhausted. Thomas was getting up on average four times a night. He might have been an easy baby but he was still a baby.

"You look tired, princess," Jax kissed her temple. "Are there bottles in the fridge?" Kristina breastfed but she also pumped so Jax and Gemma could help with feedings.

"There's six in there...I think." Kristina tried to count in her head but her memory wasn't worth much and basic addition seemed to be beyond her.

"Why don't you go and take a nap? I've got the boys." Jax quickly kissed her and gently pushed her to her feet. "If we run out of bottles I know where to find your boobs."

"Thanks, honey," she leaned down and kissed him before taking him up on his offer.

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