Chapter Six: Jax

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"Morning, ma," Jax greeted his mother as he entered the garage offices that morning.

"Where's Abel?" Gemma raised an eyebrow. "I thought I was taking him to daycare?"

"I'm in." Jax leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. "Kristina's moved into my spare room and is Abel's new nanny," he lied to his mother. She'd back off if she thought she was getting her way. "She won't be working here anymore."

"She shouldn't be around the clubhouse anyway." Gemma smiled and nodded, obviously pleased with this development.

"We got a problem," Clay stormed into the office.

"What now?" Jax ran a hand through his hair.

"Corinthos knows his little princess is in Charming," the gruff old biker growled. "Some smack addict who frequents the diner gave her up for the reward money."

Jax and Gemma were both suddenly alert.

"How long do we got before he hits town?" Jax asked as he headed towards the door.

"Corinthos has millions at his disposal plus a private jet..."

"That means if he isn't on his way... he's already here," Clay finished for his wife.

"Gather the whole fucking crew and meet me at my place," Jax instructed before running for his bike.

When Jax pulled up to his house, it was to find a limo parked in the driveway.

"Fuck!" he swore, almost laying his precious bike down in his haste to get inside.

Jax found a teary-eyed Kristina and a middle-aged Latino man that he knew to be Sonny Corinthos standing in the middle of the living room having what looked to be a glaring contest.

"Babe, you okay?" Jax walked immediately to Kristina's side and wrapped his arm around her waist. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, "whatever I say, play along."

"I'm fine." Kristina nodded to let him know that she understood him. "So's Abel. He's playing in his room."

"Who the hell are you?" Corinthos demanded.

"Jackson Teller, Mr. Corinthos," Jax gave the mob don a hard look. "I'm your daughter's fiance." He gently squeezed Kristina's waist in a silent reminder to go along with what he said.

"So you've gone from mob moll to a biker's old lady?" Corinthos scoffed at his daughter and Jax had to resist the urge to slug him in the face. "How much longer are you going to keep playing these games, Kristina? When are you going to stop punishing me for what happened to Michael?"

"Never!" Kristina spat with pure venom. "But this has nothing to do with you or Michael. I'm pregnant... and I'm happy with Jax."

Jax had to work hard to keep his shock in check. Corinthos hadn't known that Kristina was pregnant when she ran away. Why the fuck had her ex ended up dead than?

"She's pregnant?!" Corinthos looked ready to kill him.

The sound of bike engines could be heard pulling up outside as Kristina angrily stomped her foot. "Yes, I'm pregnant. We're keeping it and we're getting married! Fucking deal with it!"

There was that F-word again. Jax laughed a little to himself. It really was fucking cute.

"Mr. Corinthos." Clay stepped into the room cracking his knuckles. The rest of the guys of SAMCRO stood gathered behind him. "My name's Clay Morrow. I don't believe we've met. You see you're in my territory and we have a certain way of conducting business around here."

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