Chapter Twenty-Seven: Kristina

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Kristina had been dismayed to discover that epidurals wore off. She discovered this painful fact right when she was in the middle of delivering her youngest son.

"Come on, Krissy, he's almost here," coached Molly.

"Just breathe," Avery added soothingly although she kind of looked like she wanted to be sick.

Gemma had bullied the doctor and nurses into allowing three more people in the delivery room than the hospital normally allowed.

"Both of you can fuck off," Kristina growled. Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail and her face was damn near dripping with sweat. "You aren't trying to push something the size of a basketball out of something the size of a gopher hole. You fucking breathe!"

Jax sat on the bed beside her, supporting her in his arms as she pushed. "Calm down, princess," he kissed her temple. "Remember, sisters good, we like them." He was soothing her like she was bomb likely to explode at any moment.

Kristina didn't know how long it took, time blurred together, but eventually, Thomas Michael Corinthos Teller came into the world screaming his little head off. Jax helped Kristina lower her gown and a nurse placed little Thomas on her bare chest so he could hear her heartbeat. The newborn immediately calmed the moment he touched his mother's skin. Gemma and her sisters were herded out into the hallway while Kristina and Thomas were cleaned up.

Kristina now lay cuddled into Jax's chest breastfeeding their son while the nurse filled out her chart. "He's beautiful," she smiled down at Thomas. A small part of her had been worried that he would come out looking like Johnny although she'd have loved him all the same. She needn't have worried. Thomas was all Corinthos. He had Kristina's brunette hair, an awful lot of it actually. When he opened his eyes she could already see a hint of brown hidden underneath the newborn blue. Best of all, he had inherited his grandfather's dimples which were on display as he nursed. He was gonna be a heartbreak one day and Kristina didn't just think that because she was his mother. Lord help his generation's female population if he inherited his daddy's love of motorcycles.

"Yeah, he is," Jax stroked a finger over the baby's cheek. "He looks just friggin' like you, babe. He's also making me seriously rethink having a daughter with you."

"Why?" Kristina was confused.

"The babies you make are too beautiful. I'd up doin' time once she's a teenager," Jax chuckled.

Kristina gave a tired little giggle.

"You're exhausted, sweetheart." He leaned down and kissed her shoulder. "Why don't you get some sleep when the little guy's done eating?"

Kristina yawned but shook her head no. "I'll wait until everyone's had a chance to see him."

"As long as everyone's quick, like in and out," Jax declared. "And then I want you sleeping, princess."

"Deal," Kristina gave him a tired smile.

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