Protecting Hope Part 2

Start from the beginning

Once I had stepped out of the office and shut the door, my head started hurting as a vision filled my eye sight. A glass bottle, an alleyway near a mall, and red hair. I knew what this meant immediately, Masaru is in trouble. When the vision left my sight, I saw the usual signs for me to follow. I ran down the hall, I didn't care about the school rules at the moment. I jumped down the stairs and ran straight out the front entrance. I followed the signs quickly, I ran through the town, dodging the few people left on the streets at the moment. Soon I saw the mall from my vision and looked around. This was as far as the vision would lead me, now it was my time to search. I looked around for any alleyway that would be in the area, finding the one I was looking for as I saw Masaru being dragged into the alley by a very angry looking man. I frowned and took out my phone, staring the record function and putting in in my shirt pocket, the camera sticking out of the shirt. I slowly walked over to the alley, making sure they wouldn't be able to see me. then I heard the man start speaking.  "What the hell is wrong with you, you little shit! You know how bad it looks on me when my stupid son gets caught stealing. You didn't even steal anything worth it, you grabbed a fucking empty bottle!" I frowned and slowly peaked around the corner, luckily the man was looking the other way. I moved so that the camera would be able to see what was happening. The man threw Masaru against the wall and grabbed him by the shirt "I told you to get me a drink, not get caught stealing an empty bottle!" the man let go of his shirt and grabbed him by the hair, pulling out an empty bottle that I could assume was the bottle that was stolen. The man lifted up the bottle getting ready to hit Masaru, so I decided to stop him there. "Hey, what do you think you are doing?" 

The man froze in place, slowly looking over at me "stay out of this brat, this has nothing to do with you" I smirked and pointed to the camera sticking out of my pocket "well, I believe I have made myself apart of this." the man saw the camera and panicked "You're recording this you damned brat! Delete it now!" I shook my head "No can do sir, if I did then you would just go back to harming him." he let go of Masaru and started walking towards me "If you aren't going to delete it, then I will" I sighed "I can't say I wasn't expecting this, but it is still disappointing to see" the man swung the bottle at be, it was slow and very sloppy. I jumped back slightly and the bottle missed me. He growled and tried to club me over the head, since he was closer I wouldn't be able to jump back. instead I moved off to his side, grabbing the bottle out of his hand as he passed by. He stumbled a bit before turning around and glaring at me. I tossed the bottle into a trash bin so that it couldn't be used anymore. The man screamed out as he ran at me, trying to punch me. I could have easily blocked or dodged the attack, but the scene he would cause an issue if someone saw me fighting. So I let the punch hit me, knocking me back wards. The man went to punch me again, however stopped when he heard a siren sound at the end of the alley. "Hold it right there! back away from the boy" the guy backs away from me. A cop walked into the alley and over to him "Hands above your head where I can see them." he complied while glaring at me. the cop handcuffed him and pulled him away from me, taking him into cop car. I sighed, ending the recording on my phone and looked over at Masaru "you okay Masaru?" he looked at me, shaking. "why.." I walked up to him and held out a hand to help him up "I said I would save all of you warriors of hope. What kind of ultimate hope would I be if I didn't?" he stares up at me silently, slowly grabbing my hand and letting me pull him to his feet. "Come on, let's get you somewhere safe for the night." "where would I go" I sent the recording to Jin and explained the situation to him in text before looking at Masaru "you're coming with me, to Hopes peak high school." he stared at me for a few moments before nodding and grabbing my sleeve. "this doesn't mean that I trust you.....but, lead the way...." I nodded and started walking "you don't have to trust me, trust isn't something to be given easily. You just have to learn to tolerate me being around for now." 

Skipping time

Once we had gotten to the school I took Masaru to the infirmary to treat the scrapes he got from being thrown against the wall. After that I lead him to my room and motioned for him to be quiet before I opened the door. After we went into the room he noticed Kotoko sleeping on the bed "Kotoko?" I shushed him quietly and whispered to him "She can explain in the morning, just let her sleep for now. you can sleep in the futon over there, you need rest after what happened today." he nodded slowly and went over to the futon, I could tell that he still didn't trust me completely but I didn't really mind. I went over to my laptop and deleted the files that I had on Masaru, only 3 more to go now. I sighed softly and looked at my phone as I got a text message. I opened the app to check what it was 

Cute Gaming Girl: Hey y/n, are you awake?

Me: Yeah, is something wrong?

Cute Gaming Girl: No, I just wanted to chat a bit since I didn't see you today. 

Me: alright, just not too long. you need rest just like any other human. 

Cute Gaming Girl: You do too. anyways, is there any reason you are up at this time?

Me: yeah, I was helping someone with an issue and just got back to my room. how about you, why are you up

Cute Gaming Girl: I was just playing some games and lost track of time. I was going to go to sleep, but I wanted to see if you were up to chat first. 

Me: oh, sorry for not giving you much time for talking to me today, I was rather busy with the things the principal wanted me to do. 

Cute Gaming Girl: what was it that he had you doing anyways?

Me: I was helping teach an elementary school class. not going to go into much detail so I don't keep you up too long.

Cute Gaming Girl: aww, Come on, you can tell me, I wont be sleeping any time soon

Me: No, knowing you, you are probably tired right now. right?

Me: you fell asleep, didn't you?

Me: goodnight Chiaki, sweet dreams. 

I put my phone into sleep mode and put it on the charger, I looked at Masaru and Kotoko. They were both sleeping, Kotoko was sleeping peacefully while Masaru seemed to be having a bad dream, rolling around a bit. I frowned and went over, sitting a little bit away from the futon. I started humming a lullaby like tune. Masaru tensed up, but slowly relaxed, sleeping more peacefully. I kept humming the tune for a while before pulling the blanket over him properly. I got up and walked over to my desk before I heard a quiet whisper from the bed "why didn't I get a lullaby?" I looked over at the bed and saw Kotoko looking over at me with sleepy eyes, sitting up in the bed. I sighed and walked over to the bed "do you want me to hum you one now?" she nodded and gave me a smile before laying back down "please" I started humming a lullaby to her, watching as she closed her eyes and started falling asleep again. Once she had fallen asleep completely I put the blanket over her as well and went to my desk. When I sat down I got a text message. I opened the message and looked at it. 

Jin: Its not really that surprising, but you are really good with dealing with kids. Make sure they wake up on time for school in the morning. They don't have breakfast at the elementary school so make sure you make them something to eat as well.

I sighed and looked over at the camera in my room, frowning. Of course he would be watching me right now. I set my phone back down and took out my laptop, deciding to do some research into the families of the other 3 children to get an idea on how to save them.



shorter chapter than last time, but a chapter is still a chapter. 2 warriors of hope done, 3 more to go. I might do 2 in the next chapter but that depends on what method I decide on. Anyways, the games from the previous chapters have been completed, and things have been decided. 

Junko's fate is to be helped out of her despair obsession by Y/n. 

Izuru shall be a voice in Y/n's head, and won't be much more than a simple reference. 

and last but not least
Good things have been wished upon Mukuro, Y/n shall give her the care that she never got from Junko. 

I don't have a new game for this chapter sadly, but I might have one next time. Thank you for reading, and until next chapter, bye. 

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