-Ch.2;Who's he?-

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The next day I woke up to Olivia tearing my hair from my head. Blaming me for their argument.

"Jeez" I rubbed my aching skull. I usually walk to school but today Jungkook decided to ride his bike. He stopped at my side taking off his link helmet.

"Ha, nice" I pointed to his pretty pink helmet which he rolled his eyes at me for. "My little sister decorated it for me. It looks amazing to me" he put it on my head, clipping it nicely under my chin.

"Hop on, we'll get to school faster" he patted his bike. Unlike most bikes here, his is from America. It has these poles that stick out on the back wheels which I usually stand on and grab his shoulders for support with.

"Alright" I got on and Jungkook let go of the brakes letting me get the nice breeze I needed after yesterday. A fresh cool relaxation.

We went down a hill, I screamed a little with how fast the bike was going and Jungkook of course him being a mountain bicker just laughed at me.

"A minute away" he said and just as he said, we got to the school in a minute. Giggling, I took off his helmet and handed it back to him. We both walked into the gates as Jungkook guided his bike beside him.

I waited for him as he locked his bike on the railing, turning to me his glasses slid down a little. I walked up to him, pushing it up for him. Doing this he stared at me a little as I fixed his fluffy coconut hair.

"Jeez, you should try a new look" I said brushing some of his hair behind his ear. His bunny smile appeared, grabbing my hair and making pigtails out of them. "You first" he teased and I pocked his side.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes walking into the school. Jungkook followed close behind, noticing my not so argumentive persona, he knew something was wrong. Therefore he took the liberty to stop me in my tracks by stepping in my way.

Bumping my head in his chest, I hissed at the pain on my nose. Looking up at him, his eyes held seriousness. "Is this about Taehyung again?" He asked way too loud.

"God Jungkook keep it down!" I whispered yelled grabbing his arm and turning him around. "Well, I need to know. I hate that he's always making you sad" he again couldn't tone down his friggin loud voice.

"Shhhh" I slapped his back as I pushed him into class. "I'll tell you during lunch, for now please just...shhh" I pressed my finger on my lips. He huffed but agreed and sat at the back of the class while I sat in the front.

"Morning class" Mr.Jung walked in with his literature book. "Morning Mr.Jung" everyone greeted him as they sat in their seats. Jung Hoseok, one of the schools hottest teachers. I'm shocked I have all of them for every class.

Jung Hoseok, my homeroom teacher. Kim Namjoon, our history teacher. Kim Seokjin, my science teacher. Last but not least Min Yoongi, the most popular among the girls in the school including teachers. I have him for both music and art.

Basically 5 of my classes out of 6 include the teachers. Honestly, I'm glad though. These guys keep my mind off Taehyung at least. Jungkook can only do so much until my mind drifts off into Taehyung lala land.

Unlike him, the teachers make sure I'm away from Lala land. Just like Mr.Jung drawing a flower of positivity every morning with his heart shaped smile always brightens my day.

"Okay, shall we start learning Shakespeare?" Mr.Jung popped up with books for us. Many people groaned but I smiled, something to keep myself going. Thank god.


"I know I know I'm sorry, I did say I was going to tell you during lunch but Mr.Min asked for me in the music room" I walked down the hall towards the room with Jungkook tailing me. His footsteps stomping almost.

"Then tell me now!" He whined stepping at my side. While I tried speed walking away from him, all he had to do was walk normal paced and he keeps up.

"Darn you and your long legs" I started to jog but he sped walked. "Louie please!" He grabbed my hand, pulling me into him. It wasn't something he usually did so it kinda shocked me when he wrapped his arms around my waist, keeping me against him so I wouldn't run off.

"After school, I'll tell you after school. Mr.Min is a strict teacher, I don't want detention" I pushed against his chest but his arms tightened around me. I sighed giving up.

"Promise?" He looked down at me. Looking up at him, I smiled a little and ruffled his coconut hair. "Yes, I promise. Now shoo!!" I lightly hit his head. He giggled letting me go. "Okay okay sorry" he waved at me and ran back to the cafeteria.

Letting go of the breath I was holding, I leaned against the lockers. "He isn't the little Kookie that I put in a headlock anymore" I looked at the time. One minute before I'm late meeting Mr.Min.

I sprinted down the corridor. Still got detention on saturday for running in the halls but at least I made it to Mr.Mins music room.


"It's after school" Jungkook finally spoke up after unlocking his bike and instead of riding home, he decided to walk with me. His house is a little farther than mine so it works out perfectly.

"It is? I had no idea" I tried to play the dumb one but Jungkook narrowed his eyes at me. He grabbed the back of my hood and shoved it over my head, blinding me.

"Quit acting stupid Louie. Tell me what happened and why your being so depressed" he lifted his glasses up when it started to slide down.

"Well..." I told him everything that happened yesterday. He already knows that Olivia hurts me so that part didn't come much as a shock to him. But he still hated her. I knew that when I saw his eyes darken and brows furrow when I mentioned her kicking me.

"So yeah, that was an experiance" I laughed but he shook his head. Letting his bike fall, he took me into his embrace. I gasped lightly, he usually hugs me but this hug seemed...different.

"I'll protect you once we graduate" he promised.

"You don't have to" I hugged him back, enjoying his warmth, I closed my eyes snuggling into him. That is until we both separated hearing a car park beside us.

We turned around while they rolled their window down. I gasped, seeing Taehyung looking at me then Jungkook. Then both of them looked at me.

"Who's he?" They asked simultaneously. I gulped, if I tell Jungkook this is Taehyung its more than likely he'll jump him. I mean yeah Jungkooks younger bit he's definitely stronger than Taehyung.

If Taehyung finds out Jungkook is my best friend and he mentions him to Olivia I know she'll threaten me using Jungkooks name as leverage. Jungkook knows that as well.

So instead of answering either question. I booked it to the house that was a mile away. Sprinting and running with both of them telling me to stop I didn't, I ran into the house as soon as I got there and up the stairs into my room.

Immediately I texted them both to just ignore each other. Of course they asked questions but I told them to do it for me. Which Jungkook agreed to but Taehyung kept texting. So I told him to shut up for Olivia, he took it as a threat but right now, I want to keep Jungkook far away from Olivia.

I never want to see her eyes on him, ever. Or else I might actually loose it. She already has the guy I fell in love with. If she wants my best friend, she'll have to pry him from my cold dead hands.


...to be continued...


Note: Thanks for reading although my brain is still trying to think about making the other books every now and then. So I'm stuggling XD anyways thanks for reading. Stay safe!

Ps: sorry it's short. I didn't exactly know what to type but I tried.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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